Sunday, November 1, 2015

Parabens stimulate the growth of breast cancer – Interia

group of chemicals called parabens may interact with growth factors in the body, increasing the risk of breast cancer.

Parabens present, among others, in shampoos to hair increase the risk of breast cancer

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Parabens are preservatives commonly used in many personal care products – from shampoos, lotions for the body, after sunscreens. They mimic estrogen, which increased concentration is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and fertility problems, their use can be confusing.

– Although it is well known that parabens mimic the effects of growth of estrogen in breast cancer cells some consider their effect too weak to harm. But it is true, especially that parabens may interact with other factors regulating the growth of these cells – said Dale Leitman from the University of California at Berkeley, head of the research team.

The existing safety tests of the chemicals used measure the impact of substances on cells human, but only in isolation. It is not considered that parabens may interact with other particles signal and increase the risk of cancer.

Leitmana team looked at breast cancer cells expressing the estrogen receptor and HER2

receptors. It is estimated that approx. 25 per cent. breast cancer cases is due to malfunctioning of HER2.

Researchers have made the activation of HER2 in breast cancer cells with a growth factor called heregulin – a substance that appears in breast cancer cells when exposed to parabens. Not only parabens cause a reaction of estrogen receptors, but in this case the effect is significant. Parabens in cells with active HER2 receptors stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells at concentrations up to 100 times lower as compared to cells lacking heregulin. This shows how dangerous substances.

The results suggest the need to conduct additional studies to verify the impact of parabens on human health.


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