Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tim Cook announced the end of an era PC – Money.pl

2015-11-10 22:38

Author: Thomas Domanski

The CEO of Apple appeared this week in Europe. More specifically: flew to the UK to take part in the launch of the iPad Pro – the latest Apple tablet, which according to president of the company will contribute to the death of PCs.

-appears to me that if you look at PC , then you start to wonder what exactly is you need a computer – said Tim Cook, who is absolutely convinced that nowadays PCs – if any are needed by somebody – become more and more a niche product, which give up even corporations.

Cook says of course that PCs can be successfully replaced with a combination of tablet and smartphone production of Apple, of course. Yes, the iPad Pro for many users a great alternative to a netbook or desktop. As soon as you start to use it, they conclude that they do not need anything more, except for tablet and smartphone .

Let us disagree with the boss of Apple. So far everyone who predicted the death of PCs was wont be wrong in this statement with a very simple reason. It is of course the possibility of desktops and “full-fledged” notebooks – as long as more mobile devices such as tablet PCs or smartphones are not able to offer all possibilities

“mainframes”, until the PCs will live our buildings, large corporations, the rooms of players and other places where for some reason the user needs more than a tablet.


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