Thursday, November 26, 2015

Ubieralne device where they are going? The future is electronic tattoos – dobreprogramy

No wonder that in the context of the emergence on the market of an increasing number of devices ubieralnych, there are ideas to go a step further, even as some modifications body. His ideas on the use of e-tattoos Motorola unveiled its time, but the idea lived to see what creative and far-reaching develop.

And all because so far mainly associated with mobile applications Chaotic Moon Studios. Indeed there is ongoing work on temporary tattoos connected with sensors, and even LEDs. The whole would be applied to the body in a simple and fast way – just as it does in the case of temporary “tattoos” that many years ago determined the status of the yard for most people who are under ten years of age. Of course, what distinguishes tattoos Chaotic Moon of those is the fact that they are made of semiconducting ink.

Moved in this way to skin a system would be composed also of the sensors, which in practice will be the likely diversification of modifications RFID tags and chemical filters. While in the case of ideas Motorola, e-tattoos were to serve as trivial applications, such as phone unlocking or transactions, it is mentioned filters allow Chaotic Moon Studios, among others, to monitor parts of life processes.

E-tatuże have therefore be useful primarily in providing information about health care. A possible scenario is, for example, sticking to his body with a filter system and Bluetooth LE that by using an application installed on your smartphone informs that the body temperature exceeded 38 degrees, for example. This application seems to be the fifth wheel on the wagon – can replace it, for example, the LED.

As you can see on the materials presented by the authors of the idea, the problem currently is powering the tattoo circuit. Tattoos are in fact equipped with batteries that can be placed on the body with the sensors and the semiconductor ink. This solution seems to be very comfortable and looks quite oddly. It can

be assumed that with the development of RFID tags, labels will be able to not only work without additional power supply for many years, but also enable the transfer of energy to the other elements. Until then ideas Chaotic Studio can be an interesting signpost as to the direction in which in the future may follow ubieralne device.

                         © dobreprogramy

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