Monday, November 23, 2015

Xbox 360 is 10 years old. Here are 10 games for the console so that we will not forget – Gadzeto Mania

10 years, a lot of great games – so you can sum up the decade with the Xbox 360. But which games soon forget?

It’s hard to believe that Xbox 360 over 10 years . In Poland, the console is a bit younger, but in the United States debuted 22 November 2005 year. It might seem that since the market is the Xbox One is chanting “100 years” is not very funny joke, but in this case it makes sense. Xbox 360 quickly from the scene did not come down. And it’s not about that at this console games are still coming out. Just xbox one can play the selected game from the Xbox 360, which means that the equipment will live (though more spirit than flesh) for a long time. Although, there is no denying goes down already by the wayside. For what it remember?

10. Rise of the Tomb Raider

To be honest, long ago would send the “old” consoles for retirement. We have a new generation, so let developers focus exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The team responsible for the Rise of the Tomb Raider thinks otherwise, however, and … very good! The creators showed that ten-year console to become really a lot . I was so impressed when I saw, for Xbox 360 presents a game with 2,015 the year:

Although, of course, is not always so colorful:

Oh, if each game goodbye with the Xbox 360, as did the Rise of the Tomb Raider . Assessing the game at the end generation will always remember that “on Xbox 360 even after ten years could make a beautiful production.”

9. BioShock

Yes, you remember – BioShock appeared not only on Xbox 360 , but also on the PC. But in 2007 a version for PlayStation 3 was missing, so if someone wanted to play in this unique shooting on the console, the choice was only one: the Xbox 360. After a year BioShock also landed PlayStation 3 , but impatient probably would have managed to pass him. Microsoft’s hardware …

8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This is similar to that of BioShockiem – Oblivion first (in 2006) appeared on PC and Xbox 360, and only after he was also available on Sony console. This shows that the advantage could be earned Microsoft . Oblivion is the end game Bethesda , in addition, another part series beloved by many. Everyone is captivated by Morrowind , but having already strong computer probably had no doubts and reached for the game on Xbox 360. You were in this group?

7. Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation

Recalling games that years ago appeared on Xbox 360, landed on the Ace Combat 6 . And I began to wonder: Where was this great genre? Yes, we had a few parts of Ace Combat, Ubisoft launched a series Hawx , but the games in which planes fly and fight with other pilots is now definitely not enough. It is unfortunate that Microsoft has not got the same idea, every eight years ago and has not issued new version of Ace Combat only “at home”. In 2007, fans of the series had no exit – have bet on the Xbox 360 and Fires of Liberation, simply because it was a great production. And I testify to the high average on Metacritic: 80/100 journalists, 7.9 / 10 from players.

6. Eternal Sonata

Probably in other similar statements this game you will not find. Bah, I do not know if Eternal Sonata can be counted as “10 best games on the Xbox 360″. But since we are talking about the games, through which the Xbox 360 will be remembered, that this title could not ignore. Although there is a version for the PlayStation 3 (but later released), Eternal Sonata

I associate only with Xbox 360. The game I remember, because the protagonist is … Frederic Chopin . Polish pianist for a moment before his death goes to the world of magic and dream – you can not hide, Eternal Sonata is a unique position.

5. Limbo

You have to admit Microsoft – Xbox Live Arcade was a fantastic place in which were all smaller (and cheaper) productions. Xbox 360 found not only big hits, but also gems like Limbo precisely. If it “yet another platform”, but just take a look at the trailer or piece of gameplay to know that we have to deal with the game unique. Today Limbo is available almost everywhere, but first appeared on Xbox 360 . And the glory of the console for it!


It was not xboksowy exclusive title, but for me “four” is associated with Xbox 360 – excuse me, PlayStation fans, but it is. I suspect this exception is not, because I heard a lot of stories about how pecetowcy change to the Xbox 360 just for the premiere of GTA IV . And although “four” seems a little contrived and not as good as its predecessors or GTA V , it would have spent with her a lot of really nice moments. For me, it was one of the reasons why I did not regret having the console.

3. Condemned: Criminal Origins

But it was popaprana game. Not terrible, not strange, not brutal – popaprana best fit here. For me it is one of the best games “in general”. It was incredible climate: heavy, dense, danger could sense. A rivals fought using the ax, boards with nails, crowbar or just what you were up around town. I imagined that Condemned: Criminal Origins is back and is available in virtual reality. And you know what? I do not know whether dare to play …

2. Halo 3

Do I need to say more? I do not think so. Halo 3 is simply one of the most important titles in the history of Xbox. Synonym this console. Do you think the Xbox, you say: Hello.

1. Gears of War

“I have the Xbox 360, but if I had, it is primarily for the Gears of War ” – spoke many. And it is hardly surprising, because for the trilogy (and the “Polish” views, Gears of War: Judgment , handmade by studio People Can Fly) had to buy equipment Microsoft . A piece of strong, brutal, spectacular shootout. Actually we can about it so say the cult series. Everyone knows what they are “Gyrosy” , right?

Yes, I know, I ran out a few titles, Forza series at the helm. But hey – this is the fate of “subjective rankings.” Let me know what games bought for Xbox 360 and through which the productions of the console will not forget.


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