Threshold 2, which is the first major update for Windows 10, now officially available.
Microsoft explains that changes a lot. Improved inter alia performance. Windows 10 after the latest update runs about 30% faster than Windows 7 streamlining has also Cortana, who can now recognize handwriting entered by using the stylus (for touchscreens). Sorry virtual assistant is still not available in our country and there’s no sign that, in the near future this will change.
also been updated applications. Microsoft Edge has received improvements in terms of performance and safety. Developers have added, among others, preview opened the card. Just hover your cursor on it to quickly see its contents. There was also synchronize favorites and reading list between all devices with Windows 10. Also refreshed applications such as Mail, Calendar, Photos, Groove, Xbox, shop, OneNote and Solitaire.

> The latest update also brought integration with Communicator Skype . It is currently available in the form of several test applications. One of them focuses on video calls, and the other for text messages. Interestingly, messages appear in the notification center in the lower right corner from this place we can quickly answer without switching to the main application.
If you have a smartphone with a test version of Windows 10 and log on to the same Account Microsoft, in a desktop system will display all notifications from a mobile device.
With minor changes should also mention the possibility of changing the color of the title bar of the window explorer and slightly altered the appearance of the popup menu.

The latest update of Windows 10 is retrieved using Windows Update. Microsoft releases it gradually to new users, so its exact availability may vary depending on your machine.
Source: Microsoft

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