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But if not, imagine a bathtub. Very large bathtub. Not so simple with a capacity of barely 200 liters. Or even more, for the sin enter yourself.
drop and droplets
To all the water Earth could pour into a bath, she would have a capacity of up to 1 billion 386 million cubic kilometers. Well, and how much water is in a cubic kilometer? Think. 1 liter of a 1 cubic decimeter. So in 1 cubic meter is already one thousand. liters of water. And in 1 cubic kilometer - 1000 x 1000 x 1000 and even x 1000 liters, or 1 billion liters. If we were to pour it all into ordinary bathtubs, we would have to have them with 5 billion. Well, now we still have to multiply it by 1 billion 386 million, so that there is enough room for all the water world ...
No, stop! It seems to me that this way leads astray. Let us look better to the illustration (see photo 2) created by the US Geological Survey (USGS). Finally, one picture is worth, pish, a thousand words.
This large olive sphere is of course the earth, but totally devoid of water. Dry as a bone. The cartoonist took her oceans, ice caps and glaciers and snow cover, oceans, ground water, the moisture in the soil and permafrost, lakes, clouds and water vapor, wetlands, rivers and biosphere (yes, yes, it also must be taken into account - eg. the human body, nearly 70 per cent. made up of water). And then all this water shed the largest of the three visible in the illustration blue drop.
How is it possible that it is so tiny, if the oceans take up as much as 71 percent. the surface of our planet? That's right - surface. The Earth and our drop of water they still have the interior. Therefore, if we want to compare them with each other, the next planet whose diameter is 12 thousand. 742 km, we must draw a blue ball with a diameter of 1 thousand. 385 km. The appropriate scale of course, we do not yet draw on the true orbit of heliocentric and the real America, just do it on the map.
Wait, wait, and the smaller blue drop, droplet correct?
3.5 million people die annually due to lack or water pollution. According to the World Economic Forum in 2030. Drought affect 40 per cent. the planet.
There is no water in the desert
This so-called. Fresh water: all the water in underground tanks (is groundwater), lakes, wetlands and rivers. Representing the blue ball has a diameter of barely 272.8 km and fills it with 10 million 633 thousand. 450 km cubic meters. water. Fresh water. How much does it bathtubs? No! Stop. No baths.
Interestingly, up 99 percent. volume of the balls filled with groundwater, which to a large extent we are unable to reach. Close at hand, we have actually just lakes and rivers. The equivalent of their contents is the smallest blue blob, almost invisible at the other two. I would not be surprised if you had it at all did not notice. He has only 56.2 km in diameter and fills it with 93 thousand. 113 km cubic meters. water.
And what about the glaciers? Bravo! The vast majority of fresh water on Earth - as much as 68.7 percent. - It is stored in the polar ice caps, mountain glaciers and snow cover, which does not fit into two smaller droplets. Cartoonist of the USGS has forgotten them. Perhaps assumed that due to global climate change and in the end will flow into the ocean and mingle with him?
The conclusion from all this is that it is easily accessible drinking water we have really little. And must it be enough not only for humans but also for animals, plants, fungi and bacteria - for the entire biosphere of our planet. Without water we can not live.
- Water is a solvent which allows the overlap of different chemical reactions [eg. in the body]. It is also a great means of transport for the products of these reactions even at very great distances - explained to me once astronomer Prof. Aleksander Wolszczan, when I asked him about the search for life beyond Earth. It was he who discovered in 1992 the first three planets outside the solar system.
Scientists estimate that in all living organisms on our planet stored is 1120 km cubic meters. water. A lot, right? Little! It is barely one ten-thousandth percent of all water on Earth.
The eye of the storm. Are we threatened war tax?
But flows
This water still flows through us, is in perpetual motion. You yourselves know how he does it. Not only is this a pleasant way, even when we sweat. When it is hot, the body gives the water, and it absorbs the heat from our skin (cooling us) and evaporates, raising the heat (latent) in the air.
But not the only ones we give water through evaporation. Perspire other organisms (as eg. The dogs Ziaja), evaporate forests. But more importantly, in this way, it also reflects the ocean, the owner of 97 percent. water resources on Earth - not just salty in taste, but actually being a solution of various minerals that ocean washes, passes through the Earth's crust.
Not at all! The air, the clouds just seem so light.
- In an ordinary cumulusie is on average grams of water per cubic meter of air. So if cloud has a kilometer in diameter and a kilometer in height, it has a volume of nearly a billion cubic meters. So is it approx. 1 million kg of water! - I enumerated prof. Wojciech Grabowski, a physicist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado.
Water the flying in the air once inevitably falls back to the surface of the Earth. But this is not all that easy. Hop-sloop and rain.
- In order to have a typical raindrop, it must collide million small droplets formed by condensation of water vapor - explained once in the "Election" other atmospheric physicist Professor. Simon Malinowski from the University of Warsaw. The transition from gas to liquid vapor needs condensation nuclei which is different aerosol of floating in the air, eg. Particles of sea salt. Hooks on them and when it is already high enough and elegantly cool down - turns into a drop of water.
climate. Clouds like steam engines
Steam engines
evaporation and condensation, moreover superważne processes that have a substantial impact not Only the rain or the water cycle, but also on the climate. Prof. Malinowski called cloud steam engines that drive the circulation of the atmosphere - because the latent heat of water (from a gas to a liquid and back again) converts the kinetic energy of moving air. Eg. Water raised during evaporation from the regions of equatorial creates storm clouds and falls in the same areas, but without the dry air flows toward the poles and falls on the Earth's surface in areas of the tropics and then blowing south and curves along the equator (forming cells Hadley). Let's look at a globe - it is no accident that lands lying on the equator are wet and green, and those located around the desert and tropics are the color of sand.
Prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz Institute of the Environment and Forest Academy of Sciences thinks indeed that water is the most amazing part of Earth's climate system. Ocean absorbs more than 90 percent. thermal energy generated by global warming and eases caused by us jump in temperature. - Almost a quarter of the total solar energy reaching the Earth's surface drives evaporation of water - told the scientist in "Election". - Water vapor is the main greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere. A temperature and salinity of water shaped by ocean currents act as a transmission belt of heat.
For the record, let's add that water vapor, although it is a greenhouse gas in the air which we have the most, it is a gas secondary. When it gets warmer, for example. Humanity sends into the atmosphere more and more carbon dioxide, the warmer air can absorb more water vapor and as a result ... more and more hot.
Cyclones, atmospheric river and El Nino
Water travels and not only in the ocean, rivers or ground (yes, yes Water Groundwater also flows, and if you kick on the beach not too deep down, that you will encounter fresh water flowing through the dunes to the sea). Before you fall on our heads are carried by the wind can fly hundreds of kilometers. This is happening in regions located between the tropics and the poles, where the water, and with it the heat is transferred by violent cyclones, swirling around the eye or low pressure systems. Interestingly, in the northern hemisphere they spin counter-clockwise and the southern accordance with it - is the result of the Earth's rotation around its own axis.
Sometimes within a few days over the steaming ocean are formed atmospheric river having even several hundred kilometers wide! According to the US National Agency for Research Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), thanks to the US West Coast receives up to half of its annual rain or snow.
On the other hand, in the tropics over a heated ocean like to expand the tropical cyclones that when they reach land, they can cause massive destruction. In late October, one of them - his name was Patricia - was considered the strongest in the history of measurements of tropical cyclones in the Western Hemisphere. The wind spun him out of breakneck speed of 325 km / h. "Patricia" hit Mexico - surprisingly, no one died - a large part of their water dropped then to Texas.
One of the phenomena of climate-related water that appear periodically, the famous El Nino. Every two and seven years in the Pacific weakened trade winds (winds blowing westward along the equator, and as part of the Hadley cells already mentioned). As a result, the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean east of the very hot. This phenomenon disturbs not only the currents, but also atmospheric circulation around the world! In some places causes a terrible drought, and other downpours and floods.
Climate scientists from NOAA for some time now reporting that this year is developing in the Pacific is likely to record strong El Nino. Who knows, maybe it will bring us a severe winter? When struck previously, but always raised the average temperature of the Earth, in our country the winter was severe.
Hot El Nino will bring us a cold winter?
How it rains, it pours
Since we are already in Poland, it is worth considering the question posed at the beginning of this text - where there was water, when we had a drought in the summer?
In turn, the US NOAA data also show that during the summer many have begun in some areas of the USA.
As during a scientific conference on the Baltic Sea, held in October in Sopot, said prof. Burbot, global warming is changing the nature of rainfall, which in summer are coming to Polish. Instead pleasant and quite often deszczyków cooling and air-purification often we have now dry and hot summer. And when it rains, it pours, and one day he can drop us so much water, which once throughout July and August. Kind of quiet water, and run deep.
Why there is no water in the Sahara?
All the tropical convergence zone. You can see it well on satellite images of the Earth - a belt of clouds stretching along the equator. They consist of water lifted from the land and the ocean solar radiation. Hot air filled with water vapor travels to several kilometers upward, forming storm clouds, which falls in the region of the equatorial downpour. In contrast, water-free air travels north and south. It falls on the earth's surface only in tropical areas. From there zawiewa back toward the equator. However, because the Earth rotates on its axis from west to east, winds from the tropics toward the equator, called the trade winds, twist to the west. Trade winds blowing from the south and north converge in the equatorial belt, creating ... tropical convergence zone. In its range of wind hardly blows.
As a side effect of the atmospheric circulation (called the Hadley cell) is excess rainfall in the area of equator and their scarcity in parts of the tropics, including the Sahara. The rains fall there when the position of the tropical convergence zone changes with the seasons. Late winter zone moves north toward a warming up Hemisphere and around the summer solstice, which is June 22, reaches West Africa. As a result, dry trade winds blowing over Africa are weakening, and the continent from the Atlantic monsoon flows - a low pressure system that brings rain. Thanks to water receive southern Sahara and situated on the south semi-desert Sahel.
Climatologists believe that the current human-induced global warming shaken tropical convergence zone. The latter should move north. So maybe the Sahara South will rain more rain.
Where did the water on Earth - read here.
Watch the video "Science for Everyone" and discover the biggest mysteries of the world around you. Get caught, fascinate, surprise. Look at yourself and reality another, the scientific side!
The 'Science for Everyone read:
Water. Where it disappears when its not there?
Above his head hangs us a million tons of water, namely water vapor. What's wrong with her? Where was during the drought? And why is somewhere else?
Water. Is our planet is leaking?
Where does the water on Earth? And if we still have the same amount or part inevitably escapes into space? The researchers on this topic a couple of hypotheses
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first towers with blocks children already are building around their first birthday, and before they can demolish structures set by adults, which also gives fun. This toy compulsory in the development of a young man
information war. Is the war of cables cripple the world?
In the age of wireless and najdyskretniejszym still the best way to transfer data cables. 95 percent. information exchanged between the countries goes under water
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Bad those on Earth? Look at it from space
helpless and lonely image of the Earth in the Universe has become - as claimed by archivists NASA - the most famous in the history of photography. In the portrait, taken from the vicinity of Saturn, the planet is barely a small blue dot
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- A survey by TNS Poland, August 18
- A poll by Gfk Polonia July 30
- A survey by TNS Poland, July 17
- A poll by Millward Brown for TVN, July 16
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- The survey MB for 300polityka.pl, July 7
- A survey by TNS Polish TVP, July 3
- A survey by TNS Poland, June 22
- A survey by Millward Brown, June 11
- A poll by CBOS, June 8

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