Thursday, November 19, 2015

Bees can help in the fight against terrorists. They have a reliable sense of smell –

On the discussion on the fight against terrorism, Italian researchers recalled that help it be bees – thanks to their reliable węchowi. Properly trained can detect the presence of explosives, and hence: prevent attacks.

Scientist Marino Quaranta from Florence said that Italian experts are ready to train such a “honeybee army” in cooperation with the security forces.

He recalled that already a few years ago his team worked on a similar project utilizing the extraordinary capabilities of these insects, and funded at the time by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture.

Scientists have developed tests conducted in recent years with great success in the US and the UK. But already in the 70s of the twentieth century in Italy we used bees to produce detailed maps of the soil and the environment. Insects were used for this purpose also during the research environment after the Chernobyl disaster.

As explained by the Florentine explorer, it is best to detect explosives suitable for honeybees. They could fulfill their mission at airports, ports and other potential terrorist attacks purposes. Their work would be similar to the duties of dogs. In the case of bees, but – as emphasized – the costs of training to learn to distinguish the smell of explosives from the smell of other materials, are much lower, and the same training takes less time. A swarm numbering about 20,000 insects costs 80 euros and are

sufficient only 2-3 days to teach them how to detect the presence of dangerous substances.

The training method is simple – assured Marino Quaranta – and the crucial role played by the trumpet insects and their observation . You can teach the bees to straighten them only in response to the smell of explosives. When you straighten the trumpet, the alarm is activated.

The only difficulty is the short life cycle of bees and the need to ensure their permanent replacement.



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