Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tablet PC instead? Only one thing holding me back – Gadzeto Mania

Imagine that your home does not have a computer, a tablet is the only equipment you are using? I think it’s possible. And fun!

The Apple know how pissed off people. Tim Cook found that iPad Pro in many homes clicks into place laptops and desktops. How is it ?! – They cried students, programmers, pecetowi hardcore gamers, graphic artists and editors. The answer seems to be one: Apple again crazy, because it’s impossible!
And if we consider a statement cook not as a product promotion? Instead of iPad Pro wstawmy “decent tablet” – and then it make sense? In my opinion this: the word Apple CEO is not controversial. They are real.

The PC to work!

Sam would happily be changed. Why I have not yet done? Habitually. It has long been drummed into my head that “to work only computer “. And although I could connect the tablet to the monitor or simply accompany it with a keyboard and mouse, rather I will not. The issue habits. Habits.

Surely many of you have the same. It’s hard to imagine create a presentation on the tablet, handling graphics programs or writing longer text. It is possible, perhaps some in this way that they work, but still “old style” ruled . All the habit.

We curvature, for computer or laptop inevitably associate us with the work. Your computer must be , because you have to write an essay for school and college. The computer must be because you need professional software. Your computer must be, because in this way the game is played. It is a place for entertainment and pleasure, but always next to science, responsibilities, work. And perhaps this is the first, and only after that pleasure.

The computer is in the house unnecessary

Except that Tim Cook is right . The computer as a tool is to … work. “We” it will be difficult to get rid of such thinking, but most – that is, people who want something to watch in the evening and talk to “fejsie” – quietly will cope. This is possible because I see it after himself. On free days I see no need to restart your computer.

The tablet has everything. Watch series, check your email, I’ll look at the Facebook write something on Twitter, I’ll transfer. I can listen to music and is in a much more convenient way than on a laptop, because mobile application Spotify work with this PlayStation 4 , so having the tablet on hand to control the playback from the TV. If no responsibilities laptop could find for sale.

A properly: if not for my old-fashioned habits and accustomed to the big screen, large keypad, a large mouse.

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In Poland (though perhaps not only that, but it is easiest to observe) thinking is typical for office. The computer is great, because multipurpose . You play, look, we’ll work. As if each have to be a robot , which will be programmed, handle graphic programs, he created amazing presentations, during breaks from composing music using professional applications.

Of course, I realize that for some programming and graphics hobby , so they need professional tools. But it is nevertheless a “majority” of which he says Cook. Most do not have high expectations at home. I do not need the combine. And yet the PC is in our firm because tools must be at hand.

Hobbies important than work

For the same reason, many of my friends did not want to buy the console. Because that did not write the text, not blast off Exela and so on and so forth. The house must be something in what also will be able to do the job the employee. A worrying workaholic – constantly thinking about the possible “missions”. Meanwhile, in their free time tablet satisfies all of my “technology” needs. I do not see obstacles to work for people on the tablet with the console was insufficient set

I really envy those who They expect to simply have fun . It should be. Couch, serial, comfortable control of the services, simple games in the coffee break, Spotify and The Witcher 3 console on the big screen. Comfort and fun. And the work? In the office. Then the computer is irreplaceable. But at home? The house itself let’s play!

in your opinion

Is your home computer do I need? Do tablet can replace all the most necessary functions ? Let me know if you imagine a house without a desktop PC or laptop.


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