Designed for the so-called. small aviation system supporting the management of airworthiness developed Lodz company Invento Software. The system works as a web application, but the entire user interface can run on a mobile device, tablet or smartphone.
As a result of the application you can also be used in conditions of poor infrastructure. Lodz’s innovative solution has been awarded in the competition Eureka Brussels Innova 2015 Fair.
Each plane must have on board a certificate of airworthiness, or a document confirming that the owner of the aircraft performs all technical inspections, replacement parts and repairs as it predicted the airplane manufacturer. Specialists from Invento Software developed a computer system used to assist in the management of airworthiness of the airplane, so-called. CAMO.
- Innovative Polish specialists combines the features of two technologies: native applications for the device (Android, IOS, Windows) and web applications which works through a browser. Thanks to this system works as Web applications and is easily managed like any website, and on the other side of the interface and smooth operation is like a desktop application installed on mobile devices such. Smartphones and tablets – says the head of the company Yaroslav Urbanowicz.
- The interface and visual elements work on the device side, and exchanged with the server only
display data, which is the minimum amount of information. As a result, under standard conditions aeroklubowym hangar at the airport, where there is no infrastructure except 3G network in the best case, the application runs smoothly – he said.
The system also introduced mechanisms that will identify the graphics capabilities of the device and adapt to its user interface. – These applications must present to the user a considerable amount of information. Introduced technology means that the user sees as much on your smartphone or on your desktop; it is equally clear, and differs only system on the
According to him, the system can be used on small airports because its maintenance and development are much lower than if you create separate applications for Android, iOS or Windows. – This much greater availability of solutions for small aviation – says Urbanowicz.
In the Polish study also we use many other modern solutions such as, for example. Angular material, which introduces standards create a user interface. – Thanks to the person who previously worked for another application done in this technology very quickly find themselves in the interface of our system – underlines the head of the company.
Lodz Invento Software since 2008 has been creating software for aviation;
employs specialists in the field of aviation and IT. Her novel system will be piloted
implemented in Poland, and ultimately will be available on the European market due to the uniformity rules on aircraft maintenance.
- In a short time we will look for the institutions in which we will be able to implement the pilot project; We prepare an attractive offer for organizations that want in this program promises uczestniczyć- Urbanowicz.
szu / mab /

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