On the anniversary of the landing on the surface of the comet 67P / Churiumov-Gerasimenko probe Philae, the European Space Agency published a visualization of his flight. With it, you can see how far from the planned landing site stopped and why this place did not allow for the full implementation of research plans of the mission. Visualization was made possible by data collected by both the Philae apparatus and equipment on board the mother Rosetta.
The Rosetta probe arrived in the vicinity of comet 67P August 6 last year. After a thorough resembling rubber duck photographed the comet’s nucleus at Philae probe landing site was chosen area Agilkia that was sufficiently broad and flat to prevent it from snagging on rocks. Unfortunately, after the lander landing gear touched the ground, they did not cause a harpoon that took hold of Philae at the surface. That’s why the probe was reflected in an uncontrolled way and landed in the end, not where expected.
The force of gravity on the surface of the comet’s nucleus is so small that the leadership of the mission, and so may be lucky that after a rebound Philae not He flew into open space. The lander had a total of three mounting systems, had no effect no. The first of these screws in the arms of the chassis, they can be effective for soft surface of a comet nucleus, but it was too hard. Harpoons not ignite due to power failure or degradation of pyrotechnics. The probe was still a rocket
Despite the problems with the landing of Philae was able to meet about 80 percent of the first series of planned measurements. After several hours, but he fell to sleep, because its solar panels were not sufficiently well lit and did not provide adequate power. New hopes emerged in the comet as it approaches the Sun, called Philae on June 13, then another seven to make contact with Rosetta. In view of the increasing as it approaches the Sun activity of the comet orbiting the 67P Rosetta had to move away to a safe distance. At this time again coming to the nucleus, leadership of the mission hopes that contact with the Philae will still make.
The ESA has already announced that it plans a spectacular end of the Rosetta mission. In September next year, would gradually lower the probe into orbit so that in the end also be found on the surface 67P. Data transmitted until the last minute should help examine the comet more precisely.

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