Monday, November 30, 2015

Air pollution harms sperm – Interia

Men exposed to inhaling more polluted air have more sperm properly constructed and genetic disorders; It also produces less testosterone – research showed Polish scientists from the Institute of Occupational Medicine in.

Contaminated entrusts the damage sperm

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So far, researchers are not sure what the exact mechanism could be responsible for it.

Polluted air damage sperm

– We suspect that air pollution increase the amount of free radicals in the body, which induce the so-called. oxidative stress, which may reduce the function of the testicles and damage the mature sperm, including their genetic material – said study co-author Dr. Joanna Yurevich from the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IMP) in Lodz.

In addition, certain air pollutants, especially particulates suspended particles move hormonally active compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds interfere with the body’s secretion of hormones, including testosterone, which regulates spermatogenesis (the process of spermatogenesis – ed.).

The study, which took part also specialists from the hospital, “gamete” in Rzgów and the National Research Institute Balice near Krakow, the researchers analyzed data from 327 young men (mean age 32 years) who were taken to fertility clinics to diagnose the cause of problems with conceiving a child. These samples were collected from semen, saliva, urine and blood.

With a database maintained by the European Environment Agency (EEA) obtained data on air quality and concentrations of various pollutants in residence men. Researchers have focused on the level of suspended particles (having a diameter of 10 microns – PM10, and having a diameter less), sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen during the 90 days prior to sampling (for spermatogenesis, namely the production of new sperm, it takes an average of 74 days) .

The analysis included: You have had various diseases which may affect the quality of sperm, like mumps, cryptorchidism, trauma or surgery to the testicles, smoking cigarettes (based on the presence of saliva metabolite of nicotine), other elements of lifestyle and factors affecting women in the workplace.

Air pollution reduces fertility in


They found that men who were exposed in the place of residence to a higher level all the analyzed pollutants have a greater percentage sperm with abnormal changes in construction. In turn, higher concentrations of suspended particulates, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides was associated with lower levels of testosterone. There were no relationship between the level of pollution and mobility and, with sperm.

– It must be emphasized that in our study we have not tested whether changes in the sperm or testosterone levels translate into a reduction in male fertility. To do this, you need to plan another study – said prof. Wojciech Hanke from the Institute of Occupational Medicine. He noted that all men were correct, according to the WHO standards, the concentration of sperm – from 15 to 300 million per 1 ml of ejaculate.

The problem, however, is that the average concentration of sperm in the semen of men continues to decrease. This meant that in 2010. WHO dropped lower standard to 15 million per ml, while a decade ago it amounted to 20 million per ml. In such a situation, any additional disturbance on the male reproductive cells are gaining in importance.

The high air pollution in many regions of the Polish and of its negative impact on human health, says lately more and more rare but stresses that affect it are also individual decisions taken by each of us, for example. as to what we smoke in your own home.


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