Agriculture Minister Krzysztof Jurgiel turned to the Agricultural Property Agency with a request to suspend the tenders for the sale and lease of land resources of the Agency. Chance to buy the land does not even pay a deposit. This is a transitional state before the amendment of the Act on the Protection of the land.
Before the election, we announced that the Law on the Protection of the land must be changed. She was pork barrel PSL pretending to care for the land. So it was a trap set by the party Janusz Piechocinski on all the parties in Parliament. When adopting these rules we said that this law unquestionably requires a change after the elections. There are many problems that we found, but it will change relatively quickly. Will amend it so that before 1 May 2016. Make a real and not only apparent restrictions on speculation in land.
Before the election, we asked the then leadership of the Ministry and the President of the Agricultural Property Agency is, to abstention sale of state land. We motivated request that information reached us that it takes a violent sale. This did not have no logic, there was also the realization of shaping the body, or enlargement of family farms. Therefore, the new minister called the Agency suspended the sale.
There are not any other subtext. We want to look at each drawn up for the invitation to tender for the sale in order to determine whether or not there is corruption or not set auctions for specific audiences. That demand also farmers.
Agricultural Property Agency in the first place must be cleared of allegations of illegal activities. We must be convinced that the leadership of the Agency fulfills all obligations against him. While the target solution, which we talked about before the elections and will be implemented is the creation of the Agency for Rural Development, which will be
In this new agency will be accumulated all the tools with which the state can have for rural areas, directing individual municipalities for such solutions, which ensure stable development. It is hard to imagine us With a state of land resource, do not share its developmental needs of municipalities. It will not take place in a chaotic manner, the principle of “who is gaits and systems”, but in a planned manner, as the implementation of rural development policy from the state.

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