Saturday, November 21, 2015

ANR: hold tenders for the purchase and lease of land –

In conjunction with the letter of the Minister of Agriculture of local branches of the Agricultural Property Agency to refrain from conducting auctions for the sale and lease of land resources of the Agency. Earth can not buy even those who have paid a deposit.

“confirm the information that the Minister of Agriculture and Development Rural addressed to the President of the ANR to suspend the tenders for the sale of land belonging to the Stock of the Treasury, “- wrote the press office of the Ministry of Agriculture in response to a question PAP.

letter from the Minister of Agriculture came to local branches of ANR on Thursday afternoon, which means that Friday is not organized any auctions.

“In conjunction with the letter of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (…) the president of ANR instructed directors of regional branches of the Agency to take steps within their powers only when their failure may result in liability or violation of public finance discipline, or any other liability of the Agricultural Property Agency “- wrote in a Friday press office of the ANR in response to questions PAP. This means that the agreement with the Agency may enter only those farmers who have already bought or entered into an agreement to lease land and are waiting only for the signing of a notarial deed. All other tenders, including those where farmers have already paid Deposits, have been suspended.

One of tenders on land sales was halted on Friday in branch ANR in Olsztyn. Morning branch of the planned tender for close to 250 hectares of land near Węgorzewo. At the auction of land came a dozen farmers concerned, each of whom paid approx. Half a million zł deposit. Instead of the start of the auction, members of the tender commission informed the farmers about the “extraordinary circumstances” and postponed a tender for about a week. The committee members added that at this time Deposits will be at the disposal of the ANR.

The decision to suspend the tenders for purchase land angers farmers who have not been advised accordingly. Several qualified for participation in the tender in Olsztyn admitted in an interview with PAP that to pay high Deposits, took out short-term loans. Farmers were asking members of the tender committee when the situation can be explained, when they can buy land or recover Deposits paid, but the staff ANR admitted that “hope that the situation will become clear in a few days”. It was agreed that all interested in participating in the tender will come to the ANR in Olsztyn per week.

Each of the eligible farmers an auction Friday had to sign a statement that he was informed of the invitation to tender and the reopening of the meeting on 27 November.

Reasons suspend the tender farmers not reported, employees ANR in Olsztyn, said only that “there’s a connection with a letter from the Ministry of Agriculture.”

1 May 2016. runs out in force since 2004. period of protection and foreigners will be able to buy agricultural land in Poland without special permission from the Ministry of Interior. PiS election campaign repeatedly foretold it would launch legal solutions whose task will be protecting the earth before maturity by foreigners; stressed that it will be one of the first issues to be tackled by the Ministry of Agriculture.

In June, the Sejm adopted a law that does not prohibit outright foreigners and companies with foreign capital

buying agricultural land in Poland, but it introduces a number of important restrictions to prevent wykupowaniu land by rich farmers or companies from Western Europe, as well as speculation in the Earth’s rotation. Under this Act, the land will be able to buy only those who would farm it, if 5 years have a report in the commune or neighboring commune. Moreover, the Act provides for the control of funds allocated for the purchase of land. Formulates also requirements concerning., Among others, professional qualifications, which must show the buyer the ground.

The Law of June have also prevent fragmentation of land between too many owners eg. by inheritance by all heirs. Preferred to be family farms that maintain the whole family.

passed in the previous term of the Sejm laws regulate the issue of concentration land in the hands of one owner and the formation of large agricultural estates. The Act provides for, among others, prohibition on acquisition of land to individuals and companies with a total of more than 300 hectares and a 10-year-old ban on land purchased from state resources under pain of heavy fines.

Representatives of the Law and Justice in the previous term of the Sejm demanded a tightening of many provisions of this Act.

Friday” Rzeczpospolita “daily quotes the Law and Justice deputy agriculture minister, who admitted that he directed his ministry is already working on new regulations for land turnover. “The changes are designed to reduce speculation and prevent the acquisition of land by substituted its people and foreigners” – said Jurgiel “Rzeczpospolita”.

According to farmers interviewed by PAP, suspend auctions for the sale of land right now is very unfortunate. It was the fall of ANR announces the most tender. “Because we have money from the sale of fetuses and some had already received payments” – PAP said one of the farmers.

A spokesman for the ANR Olsztyn Zdzislaw Szymocha told PAP that since January Olsztyn ANR has sold 10 thousand. hectares of land, and for the full year 2015 expected sales of 15 thousand. ha. The average price per hectare of agricultural land is in the province. Warmia and Mazury nearly 27 thousand. (price increases, because in the first quarter hectare cost an average of 21 thousand., in the second quarter, the price rose to 23 thousand., and the third – to 26 thousand. zł).


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