Tuesday, November 10, 2015

You can be a drone pilot – NaszeMiasto.pl

You can buy a car, but this alone does not allow us even to his conduct. Similarly, the drones. Buy drone and control it could theoretically everyone, but not in all conditions and not to specific needs. Today we write about licenses drones, legislative changes, and more.

Flying Drone itself well to got infected. I’ve tested even for you relatively inexpensive model with a segment called. entry-level – JJRC H8C . I am aware, however, that soon carefree flying may be over. Lawmakers increasingly suspicious look at the whole issue and a matter of time before the provisions on drones will be tightened – even for a foreign model. Are they right?

With sadness I admit that I agree with the tightening of these regulations. And although more restrictive law also hit on me, literally “cutting off my wings,” yet know how on the subject optimism about bystanders, and know to which incidents of drones in the background already occurred. This article I write so as a person who likes to fly and he wants to do, but here is the awareness partial legitimacy of confusion that drones arouse.

The interesting incidents we will say later in the article. Already, however, I signal that even leaving aside the issue of dangerous accidents, these devices arouse more anxiety than admiration. It is finally flying with the speed set to hell kitchen blenders, which in addition may violate another’s privacy, and in the eyes of outsiders – certainly it records and performs the series of photos. Sure, probably no one has a special interest in this, to record a neighbor walking with Grazyna purchases, but the fact that it feels threatened even by the presence of a drone, but should be sufficient and understood. Never, EVER, our freedom should not affect someone – even “imaginary”. This appeal, however, only refer to your common sense – it is not subject to legal requirements. For now. The fact also write yourself later.

Perhaps now many of you my word deems total nonsense, which undermines freedom, blah, blah, liberalism. I’ll tell you so, as a curiosity, quoted the owner of shops drony.net. The statement was published on the bankier.pl : “She was interested in this [drones] one of the detective agency, but available in our unmanned helicopters have proven to be too loud to be able to conduct the survey of the closet”

know, not every pilot is a spy, but we can not assume that all are 100% honest intentions. That’s right, even if you, dear reader, you have one.

Do I need special qualifications?

I have for many of you good news – for now, drone can fly almost anyone. Your four year-old also (I’ll skip here the question of whether one might call responsible behavior A gift that toy your child). Dron not weigh more than 25 kg, and it can not be used for commercial purposes, thus, for example. To shoot a wedding or any other, subject to sale.

Flying for purposes other than profit-making, ie. Eg. Recreation or sports, you can actually do without a license, but not without respect for any other statutory provisions but generally forgotten. First of all, it is a right airline. Dron, dear readers, summer. And like other such vehicles must abide by the limits. Or rather, the pilot should be adhered to. Excellent and comprehensive article on the subject organized by Page World drones and to him also refer you (“ Drones and Polish law “).

Assuming that few of you will, however, want to read another article about you familiarize you briefly. Basically nobody has the right to the airspace of our country. It is divided into so-called. uncontrolled zones (within 3 km from the surface of the earth), controlled (3 km) and classified. Essentially us as pilots drones might be interested in only the uncontrolled zone to a height of 3 km. But not everywhere. Also in this zone there are areas excluded from uncontrolled flight. First of all, it will be military facilities and airports, and the zone R (RestrictedArea – zone restrictions), D (DangerArea – danger zone) and P (ProhibitedArea – prohibited area). In big cities there may be these restrictions are uncontrolled – even the whole left-bank Warsaw is exempt from such flights because of the proximity of Okecie, but about a permit to fly in the vicinity of government buildings should apply in the Government Protection Bureau. The network has also, of course, a tool that naniosło on a Google map zone air restriction areas in Poland – this is link . Similar information can also be found on the website of PANSA, or Polish Air Navigation Services Agency .

What else matters? Whether the drone fly in sight (definition VLOS – Visual Line of Sight), or elsewhere. Here we enter the ground flying module FPV, or First Person View (view live camera on Droni). Flights of this type are limited so for those with a license and without it, but not prohibited. Request for access to airspace for flights FPV mode, you must submit, in principle, to the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency. Similarly to PANSA flights should be reported in the area of ​​the airport and the drone of weighing more than 25 kg.

In summary – the use of drones hobby is, for now, quite freely. Just that our toy weighs less than 25 kg, we fly in sight (but keeping the area of ​​flight in uncontrolled airspace, excluding any items that are not classified and controlled in this space) and do not derive financial benefit from it.

Dron is a tool of my work

In such a situation without a license will not will take place. Drones is a relatively new topic, especially in Polish law and, therefore, the provisions of acquiring the license will change what has already been announced. It will be difficult not only for the license, but also for purely recreational drone control.

Example picture made drone

There are several conditions that must be met in order to obtain the qualification drone operator called UAVO. First of all, you have to be an adult, with the education min. middle, and follow the appropriate medical examination, the result of which will get a certificate of no impediment to controlling unmanned machine. The worst thing left at the end – you must also pass a state examination. If everything goes according to plan, it will become the happy owners of a certificate UAVO, or operators of unmanned aircraft issued by the Civil Aviation Authority. Let me remind you, however, that the classification applies only to the possibility of commercial use of drone – does not allow it, by itself, to control the drone over 25 kg and at a controlled zones, it needed additional permits, issued at the request. It is also often required specific drone equipped with communications modules that enable programming of the proposed route.

ULC, in the face of the growing interest in the subject, prepared a newsletter for people who are trying to obtain permission for commercial flights in VLOS . The PDF is in turn subject area exams. Deliberately in relation to the word “exam” I used the plural. To be eligible you must pass two tests because – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part, say people enjoying longer licensed, not the easiest or the most difficult. It concerns first of all the knowledge of the civil aviation law. The practical part it’s the same thing flying – the examiner will ask us to perform a series of acrobatics, geometric figures eights. Of course without the possibility of programming the flight path.

Example picture made drone

There is a second “nice” thing – payment. For now, the exam can proceed without the course, which drastically reduces the costs associated with obtaining permissions. At the moment it is entirely cost around 200 zł. Courses, depending on the category for which you are applying, the price had gone up, and several thousand (Category flight without visibility is an expense of up to 12 thousand. PLN). Even zz Therefore, if you want to set up a business, you should now try to get permission. On the ULC shall indicate that for the time being UAVO certificates issued approx. 1000. Mandatory

training are likely to become a reality soon, and behold the CAO position on this issue:

“In many cases, required the operator to UAVO knowledge is too complicated to an outsider earlier civil aviation could be independently assimilate and then put into practice. The introduction of the completion of theoretical training of the basics of aviation law, building space Air safety and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles will therefore positively on the level of knowledge UAVO operators engaged in the field of various types of aerial work. ”

From the CAA You will find a lot more information about the same exams and privileges, including the application and all necessary documents and even a list of medical examiners and authorized examiners.

Upcoming changes in the law

Many countries in the world have more restrictive rules on drones than described above. Also in Poland, the law will change. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Development is already working on a new regulation (link to a broader description of the changes) that “undercutting wings” drones also hobbyists. In this case he spoke to Martha Chylińska, spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority. In an interview for the Radio Information Agency said that the aim of the new provisions is to be a better distinction unmanned vehicles used by amateurs and professionals.

“The idea is that those who control the flying models, they did it out of town at a safe distance from buildings, built-up areas and residents”

The aim of this treatment is to make sure that the people who control the drone in the city, have the power certifying that their skills and knowledge in the field of security. If you add to that the necessity of holding the course “driving” image of Polish ultimately “dronosfery” does not seem to have a bright future.

It has also been talk of a favorable change – for flight in controlled zones. There postulate, according to which flights would be permitted without the consent of the PANSA to the amount indicated in the designated areas. This would facilitate filming material to professionals in the cities, which are often covered by zones due to the proximity of the airport.

# Break #

Or to be even harder?

Thoughtlessness is an inherent feature of any society. Not surprisingly, that if something is not prohibited and can potentially harm, problems arise. Worse, even if it is banned, it still will be outstanding individuals who disregard these prohibitions. In the end drone is just a small toy, harmless, and giving the user good for freedom and humanity which she had dreamed for centuries.

And just such a star of Polish “dronosfery” turned out to be even resourceful pilot, who decided to go with his masterpiece for flights at the airport Chopin. About this situation, you’ve probably heard dozens of times – so I will add only that the pilot saw a drone flying nearby, which it believes pose a threat to the landing maneuver. The consequences were enormous, and the delay landing was just one of them. Consolation, however, is that the owner drone caught. I hope that – for example – he will be wlepiona solid penalty. And there’s a pretty good chance, because for endangerment air traffic threatens to eight years in prison. Worse, this is not the only example of thoughtlessness drone pilots in the vicinity of airports – a similar situation took place in Krakow.

Incidents of drones was a lot. Sometimes the drone fell on someone’s head, causing serious injuries. Invasion of privacy of third parties, but it is probably the most common offense. The curious case of such offenses wrote in The shooting down a foreign drone of your property threatened judgment. And well . The situation took place in the US, where a resident, when they saw the drone flying near his property, he decided to simply shoot down. As he thought he did. The consequences of this situation you can read in the above. Article. I would add only that the case is quite complicated. While I fully agree sense of inviolability of the premises, so much that you used quite drastic measures, just shotguns, which faced populated area is simply an expression of pure stupidity.

And there are other ways to deal with possible air raids drones. Even the Poles SafeSky invented a system that will detect approaching drone, and to take control of it and safely bring him out beyond the area of ​​our property. It seems to me that such systems will benefit many companies that do not wish to view the competition on their estates or government institutions. Well, however, that such systems are also available for “ordinary” people. Interview with the creators SafeSky can read SpidersWeb .

The principles of responsible control

was supposed to be on license and right, but I decided to share with you one more thing – 12 commandments of responsible control the drone. Issues of common sense and cold calculation of risk and responsibility, I spent quite a large part of the articles, as well as many others on our site. Appeal for similar overtones, albeit wearing a quite reasonable “commandments”, has been published on podrozniccy.com under this link . Clicking on the link will know the opinion of the author, among others, on the incident from the Chopin Airport. And here the promised rules:

From the principles I fully agree. You have to use your imagination, know well its drone and be able to guide him. However, I would pay more attention here on the 5th rule regarding kamerowania group of people (presumably the crowd, pedestrians, people unknown to us). Drones largely arouse much concern precisely because of the ability to perform their pictures and making movies. Remember that such awareness introduces a lot of discomfort, they may feel uncomfortable, even if it does not shoot, and webcam is hidden in a box. It does not matter. Preserve a respect for the other person – not even completely ignoring laws that the only way By the way, this issue is governed. I do not think, however, that the codes will you need – just common sense.

Worth reading

In this article we fell quite a lot of links and sources, but I would like to distinguish two additional, as a particularly useful and valuable in my opinion. One of them is an article I wrote – for who would otherwise. Testing a relatively cheap model drone, JJRC H8C, I prepared for you not only a description of the device itself, but also quite reasonable, in my view, a set of rules, which I go by controlling the drone for recreational purposes. Think of it so as a brief guide to the hobby world drones.

The second link, well, a bit more valuable, it http://www.wykop.pl/link/2664923/ama-licencjonowany-pilot-drona;AMA on’ll kick [/a] [/b ] in which a licensed pilot the drone talks about her path. Not only that – let’s call it – legal, but also many other issues related to the commercial use of drone. Very valuable material, but – as the AMA has a habit – a bit chaotic.

I urge you also to glance at other related articles – links below. You will find them among Our list of the best drone in different price segments or tutorial How to tame the drone.

Source: Conowego.pl

The source of heads. Photo: .: cyberlaw.pl


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