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China will produce cloned meat on an industrial scale
dogs, cattle, horses racing will in the near future cultured in test tubes. For this purpose, near the north Chinese port of Tianjin built for 30 million euros on the surface of 14 thousand. square meters factory to animal cloning utility. The project is implemented jointly by the Chinese biotech company BoyaLife Group and South Korean company Sooam Biotech. His boss Hwang Woo Suk in 2004 caused a sensation by publishing research on the possibilities of cloning human embryos. Soon, however, the university in Seoul proved that the test results were falsified. Since then, Hwang Woo Suk mainly deals with the cloning of expensive breeds of dogs.
Increasing demand meat
The new cloning technology center created in the technology park, supported financially by local authorities . Partners in the project are the Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Beijing and the International Academy of Biomedicine in Tijanjin. The project has the full support of the Chinese government, because it is convinced that in the face of growing demand for meat in the Middle any ethical issues soon lose its importance. The Chinese consume an average of 5 kg of meat per year. In 1984, consumption per capita amounted to a mere 34 ounces.
The managers are now confident that consumers They persuaded of the cloned beef. According to Xu Xiaochun, head of the supervisory board BoyaLife Group is the tastiest meat they ate so far. In the first year is expected to clone 100 thousand. cattle, in the second year is already planned million.
Advantages of steaks from cloned meat reportedly seen as hand. While in the case of demand for pigmeat Chinese people cover it in large part from our own production, so much beef comes from expensive Western imports. The situation is also critical in the case of milk production. Since 2010. The average Chinese drinks 30 liters of milk per year, ie. Two times more than 5 years ago. According to forecasts, over the next 10 years, consumption is expected to double.
tastier than natural
Researchers Agricultural University in Beijing are convinced that very soon the best steaks will not come from Argentina but just from China. Tamejszym researchers have successfully thanks to experiments in genetics and thanks to cloning technology raise the fat content in meat native cows. In September this year. She calved for the first time by Chinese researchers cloned cow Niu Niu. Thanks to its special gene meat contains more fat and is much tastier.
However, in China rises first a wave of protest. In social media there are critical voices. Critics of cloned meat use the same as in the West, arguments. However, in contrast to the EU, which intends to introduce a ban on the cloning of meat, China is far from that and, given the number of residents who want to eat meat, there could not even afford such a luxury.

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