Tuesday, November 10, 2015

AGH on Friday will join in the search for “gold train” – rmf24.pl

“Work will begin on Friday, from testing, we expect that our research will continue until Tuesday,” – says RMF FM, PhD. Eng. Slawomir Porzucek from the Department of Geophysics, AGH, which will be a member of the team involved in the search for “gold train”. Researchers from the University of Science and Technology in Krakow will use the equipment to research magnetometric and gravimetric. They will look for any – of the underground facilities – disturbances of the magnetic field and gravity.

Grzegorz Jasinski: you imagine a job? What’s the plan?

We’re going there on Thursday with the entire team, that team geophysics, plus our friends from the Department of Geodesy – because for some work we are indispensable – and start working from Friday until we finish and we hope that it will be Tuesday. We will carry out research nominated by the city area and only on this short stretch of approx. 200 meters.

What state are you taking with you what hardware? What is it?

Are you sure we take with us two basic devices: one is the magnetometer, and this will be our main, leading apparatus and basic method. The second will gravimeter. We do not know until the end whether we will also conduct research GPR.

It is a portable equipment, as I understand it? You can carry it on your back?

Yes, magnetometer to wear just on the back, in a special backpack, while gravimeter worn in hand, because it is a smaller footprint.

Let’s talk about what the particular method and that with this method you can see.

The first method, this leading, which I mentioned, is a method of magnetic / magnetometer. With her help, we are able to locate objects that are underground and are different from the surrounding magnetic susceptibility. It is known that the steel has a very high magnetic susceptibility, therefore, we can quite easily detect an object. They cause a large disturbance in the distribution of Earth’s magnetic field, which makes them easily detectable. The second method we will use, is the gravimetric method Microgravity version. It involves measuring the force of gravity, namely the acceleration of gravity. We examine them very carefully, precision measurement reaches about hundred millionth part of the total acceleration of gravity.

I understand that if the ground is something of much higher density, something like a train and there acceleration the earth should be a bit higher.

Yes, but we’d rather suggest the opposite thing, because the train is in the tunnel, so we’d rather we expect that we will find this tunnel, not a train. There will be more empty space than full.


                              Assoc. Eng. Slawomir Porzucek presents equipment magnetometryczny
                                      / Prof. Janusz Madej /


What type of image you expect: whether it be just noise, or it can be a particular image, in which you can specify a shape resembling the real thing? Assuming that obviously something there.

It is difficult to answer this question. Magnetic method is very susceptible to external interference, and to keep in mind that the measurements are made in the city, where we have power lines, large metal objects, as well as strong transmitters that interfere with the electromagnetic field and which disturb us or our measurement. Nevertheless, our model tests indicate that the expected results from this hypothetical train if there will be surpassed interference. About all we will see, however, on the spot, after the first test research. About this we begin, first we will test whether magnetic method has a chance to give the answer to the task.

There is a power line, which can not be excluded, so this is, as I understand, the first obstacle with which you have to count?

Each power line is a problem in the study of magnetic. Nevertheless, we have developed a measurement methodology which will try to eliminate the impact of the power line measurements. The same equipment also has a built-in mechanism that eliminates the frequencies that are used in the power lines, which is 50-60 Hertz.

Let’s assume that conditions will be good, that method will confirm its effectiveness and something indeed it is. Something that has such a large shape and say, like a train with tanks or something like that. As far as this shape in these results appear? Whether, for example, if there is something that has a barrel, it will be able to notice it? There is a chance, under optimal conditions?

Unfortunately not. We are only able to locate the object itself, to determine approximately parameters and the depth at which it is located. On the other hand absolutely we are not able to find a very small items, such

as barrel. Among other things, just the shape of the barrel was shown on the pictures, information provided by these two gentlemen who made their first GPR survey. It occurred to us believing that maybe either performed the measurement wrong, or carried out a wrong interpretation of the results because at this depth GPR survey should not show such details.

What is known about the hardware, which carried out those tests and how the method, which the State In following may be better than that, pursuant to which the explorer reported the discovery of themselves?

There is no method better and worse. It may be more effective or less effective. Certainly, our magnetic method under these conditions can give good results, because we have a big iron train underneath, therefore, the magnetic effects of this train are expected very high, the order of say 1000 nanotesli. How does compared to GPR – it can not be concluded.

key difference will be the situation when a hypothetical train will be standing in the tunnel? Will it be different from the situation in which, for example, would be overwhelmed? Because one theory is that he is simply overwhelmed the earth. There is no free space.

As for the magnetic method, it makes no difference whether it is in the cavity, is overwhelmed. However, if it comes to a gravimetric method – yes, if it is overwhelmed, practically it can not be using this method to find.

How quickly these tests will run, I mean, how many meters per hour can thus be check out?

Magnetic method is very fast. Since the measurement is performed every 1/10 of a second, so that is going normally, march, or about those few kilometers per hour. In view of this day you can check many meters. Since accurate measurements are needed, so we’ll go slowly, carefully, we will properly indicate intermediate points. But I appreciate that the key measurements of magnetic, without testing, will take no more than one day. In contrast, less is the second method, which is much slower, because there is no measurement is virtually continuous, only a point. Measured point takes about two minutes, to this day we are able to do a few dozen to a hundred points.

How the weather can be an important factor impeding these measurements?

Theoretically speaking, the equipment is waterproof. People a little less, but rather we will not risk our equipment in such an environment. We will wait when there is no rain came.

Of course you’re going there in place with certain expectations and what would you like to see on the screen. Please tell me what PPN expected in such optimal, the best situation? So such that there is indeed something that the state and are able to detect it.

The methods that I described here, can not be fully clear answer directly in the field. While this may magnetic method gives some idea of ​​whether something exists or not, gravimetric method gives results only after analyzing the research and introduction of relevant amendments. What did you expect? We just want to give an answer on whether this train exists or does not exist. Absolutely not interested in its contents.

What do we see here? What is this stuff?

Here we have a backpack, which we use in magnetic measurements. It is easy to see two elements, two different antennas. One sensor is cesium. In the middle of the cesium vapor is 133 – nonradioactive – and this is a sensor that measures the earth’s magnetic field. Next we have the GPS antenna, which allows you to specify our position. The whole is connected to the rear of the unit, which processes all the data and then sends it to the console on which the observer sees what is currently the effect of its measurements. Console course allows you to control the same measurements.

And this second device is used for these measurements gravity?

Yes, this device is gravimeter. It’s essentially like a magic box, which is set to point and use it to, as I mentioned earlier, we measure the acceleration due to gravity – very carefully, because the nearest one hundred millionth. If, at us is something much heavier or lighter, which has a significantly lower density or higher density, we are able to measure it.

Is it to analyze these results you have to bring data here to Krakow? Can you do just a laptop, there on the spot?

The initial interpretation we can make on the spot, while the final, you must do here, in the place in the University.

After doing research, a team led by prof. Janusz Madej from the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection AGH draw up a report, which first receive government Wałbrzych. The test results should be known about three weeks after the survey is completed.


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