Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Type in a search engine “Long, long ago in a distant galaxy,” and see what happens – Gazeta.pl

Just type into Google the phrase “long long ago in a distant galaxy.” What happens then?

Surely you remember the famous beginning of Star Wars. Well, the search results will be presented in a form resembling the start of the saga. We present exactly on the video above. All links are clickable, we also have access to search images. Important – This feature will work in Chrome and Safari. Access to it, we have also from mobile devices.

​​A long time ago in the distance & # x142; across the galaxy Photo . Google

This is just a small part of the Star Wars frenzy that gripped in recent days Google. special page You can choose the side of the Force, after which always secretly opowiadaliście and see how change popular services such as

Gmail, Maps, YouTube, Calendar. I hint that the changes my house on Google Maps marked with a symbol of the Star Destroyer. For more information on pages Power and their consequences we write here .


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