Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Google Maps Navigation is now offline – Gazeta.pl

Offline Maps are useful especially when you go on holiday abroad or if you simply want to save the data package. Google Maps for a long time you could save so as to use them without access to the network. But it was not possible, eg. Use in this mode of navigation or check at what time it is open to cinema, which is located on a street corner. With the new update of Android apps you can use these features (update for iOS is slated for release in a few days). New features Maps offline are:

– car navigation (more will be added in later updates)

– Search for places near

– checking information about these places ( eg. at what time to open shops, shopping centers or cinemas)

– check their evaluation.

To download a map for offline use, look the interesting area from a mobile application, and then click on the description at the bottom of the screen. There will be a variety of historical information, weather and photos. Now you need to expand the menu in the upper right corner.

​​To save the & # x107; Google maps for offline Fig. Google

Then you need only select “Save map offline” select the area and call the map.


src="http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/da/47/12/z19167962Q,Jak-zapisac-mapy-Google-do-offline.jpg" title="To save the & # x107; Google maps for offline"> Fig. Google

Google Maps

These tricks Google Maps outing KNOW!

Google Maps >


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