On Wednesday the company Google has announced the launch of paid, free from advertising on YouTube Red .
According to the announcement of the new platform will offer not only devoid of advertising the same content that is already available in a free version of YouTube, but also access to the music library or to exclusive video content prepared specifically for YouTube Ed.
When notifying start a new subscription platform Google has announced that the service will be available by the end of October ., but so far only in the US market. In an interview with service Wirtualnemedia.pl Peter Zalewski, a spokesman for the Polish branch of Google stated openly that it is not known when the service may occur in the Polish version.
– a service starts so far only in the US, we plan to introduce her to a few the largest markets in the coming year, but for now there are no plans for Polish – betrays Peter Zalewski, explaining at the same time that YouTube Red is addressed to a specific audience.
– YouTube Red this offer for fans of YouTube, those who need the most – more opportunities to watch their favorite content, through the ability to watch in the background or offline, more possibilities to support their favorite artists, and finally – more you can watch your favorite movies without any interruptions in the form of advertising – explains Zalewski. – It is also an offer for music fans – within YouTube Red have access to one of the best music apps YouTube Music, and – as a bonus – access to Google Play Music service. YouTube Red is so tender that gives the best and most convenient access to YouTube.
Before the launch of YouTube Red appeared reports about the difficulties that can meet the creators publish their content on the site. The idea is that the publishers of materials previously available in freeware YouTube must agree to their inclusion also on pay-TV platform. Otherwise, their contents may not be visible in the public area of the site. The information gained by Wirtualnemedia.pl however, shows that for the time being the matter of new regulations will apply to the US market only and does not impact on the creators of the Polish YouTube. On the other hand Zalewski stresses that content publishers do not feel discomfort due to the need to change contracts, and the vast majority of them accepted the new conditions.
– The creators have long wanted to YouTube launched a service subscription, because responding well users’ needs, we have created a YouTube Ed. The vast majority of partners representing nearly 99 percent of the content available on YouTube signed new contracts – provides Zalewski.
After the announcement of the launch of YouTube Red appears obvious question is whether in the case of the new platform supported by one of the largest online players in the world can expect major changes in the balance of power in the global market and whether the new YouTube offering will meet with wide response of users. When asked about this by Wirtualnemedia.pl online market experts are somewhat divided opinions, though most provide a platform problems in achieving its spectacular success.
– Today, yet on YouTube Red we know very little – highlights Jacek Amsterdam, director of video production in the Group HR. – Certainly a model where you pay a subscription to not see ads, it makes sense. Especially in a global scale, which operates YouTube. But the key is, of course, attractive content. At the moment, besides the enigmatic announcements we have virtually no information about what the Red YouTube will offer users. So I do not expect a rapid and massive outflow from the traditional, free YouTube to paid version, especially young users. In contrast, the owner of YouTube can afford long-term strategy. But even in the perspective of many years will be required for attractive content, and today paid offer YouTube, to put it mildly, falls pale in comparison for example. Netflix – Jacek notes of Amsterdam.
On the other hand, according to Luke Grzejka, head Web Epic Makers YouTube Red will compete primarily with subscription music services.
– The creation of YouTube Red is an ambitious decision and will require the team YT lot of hard work – mainly on the expansion and revision of the current directory, which may prompt users to pay $ 10. per month – says Lukasz Grzejek. – In my opinion in the first place and in its current form YouTube Red will compete for the users of such music services, for example. Spotify or Deezer Tidal. In this challenge in favor of the Red speaks availability YouTube music video content (music videos, concerts), as well as the content that is posted on the site by its users (ie. User Generated Content). In the case of the latter category often we talk about niche publications, quite important for some fans. Apart from the music and zapowiadanymi series produced specifically for YouTube Red I do not see anything that would be a large enough value to convince your subscription significant number of
– YouTube has a huge number of users, and a very big opportunity for every ambitious creator – explains Epic Makers. – If someone has enough good idea to channel that for access to its users pay a monthly fee, this Youtube Red just gave him a new source of revenue. I can imagine a channel that offers content free as part of a promotion and pay, which are designed to provide developers profit. It’s a very nice idea to diversify income and move forward. On the other hand, high anxiety and frustration may at first give birth, that developers already present on the site can not choose whether their content is available through YouTube Red – in this case worked quite categorically YouTube. Questions remain about the revenue potential of this model for the creator vs present, coming from advertising. But for now, this is not a problem for Polish artists. It remains for us to observe the US market and draw conclusions before the introduction of the service in our country – marked Grzejek.
Paul Stano, COO LifeTube, the largest Polish network representing the creators of YouTube believes that what is true for the YouTube Creator Polish Red may be an opportunity to increase revenue, but do not expect to after the release of this platform too.
– do not expect a big change – emphasizes Paul Stano. – Both creators and viewers are accustomed to free content. What’s more, youtuberzy in our market are not focused on revenue from display ads (AdSense), but współpracach of brands – their main source of income. Native content “advertising” – if you fit into the format of the channel and match the YouTuber – not only are not blocked and ignored by audiences, but are viewed by choice (and for free). According to the information provided to us by Google that YouTube Red will operate primarily in the US. Google plans, it is true, the introduction of new services at several major markets, but at this point there are no plans for Polish. Polish artists, which materials are viewed by US viewers will gain indeed a new opportunity to monetize – thanks to earning not only on commercials (so far), but also on subscriptions (the details are not yet known) – but other than that nothing will change – Stano predicts.
The larger the chances of success of the new platform YouTube do not see asked about the Wirtualnemedia.pl youtuberzy.
– Most people like to get everything for free. And as you do not have this for free, that itself is a gain illegally – says Martin Stankiewicz conducting its own channel on YouTube. – And so the resulting torrents or adblock. The latter, in my opinion, is currently partly free version of YouTube Ed. Not so long ago, YouTube has introduced in Poland the ability to add paid content. How it ended? Lament and dislike. I’m afraid that it will disappear faster than created. YouTube accustomed all to the fact that the platform works for free and the imposition of any paid feature can be problematic – believes Martin Stankiewicz.
Another YouTuber, Randall Martin did not hide turn his surprise the name of the YouTube Red and aversion to it .
– YouTube Red? – Asks Randall Martin. – There could be simpler? PRO youtube, youtube Cards, or even Youtube Gold. That to associate with a premium product, not the porn hell. Now we will all work on the Red Tuba – says mockingly Martin, referring to the name of a popular Web site with pornographic.
More information YouTube Red, YouTube Red Jacek Amsterdam, Luke Grzejka, Epic Makers

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