Friday, October 30, 2015

Hair 3D printers are already a reality – Virtual Poland

  3D printing technology is still being developed. This time, scientists have developed a method that allows printing of fibers that imitate the hair of any kind.

 If you used a glue gun once hot, certainly zaobserwowaliście long and thin strands that arise tensile material. In a similar way, scientists have developed a printing method of hair on 3D printers.

 First, the PLA material is heated and placed on the ground, and then quickly departs printer nozzle in the direction you want to create plastic, flexible thread. Each hair is individually constructed, so the process is very long – 10 mm square print hair takes about 20-25 minutes. But the advantage is that the technique does not require any additional hardware – just changes in the software.

 Depending on the accuracy of printing can produce soft hair-like hair troll or more rigid – to use them, for example. For the manufacture of toothbrushes.

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