Monday, October 26, 2015

Comet per second produces 500 bottles of alcohol – Virtual Poland

NASA | added 2015-10-26 (19:11) 1 hour and 11 minutes ago | 1 Opinion

Comet Lovejoy


Is there alcohol in space? On this question the answer found NASA scientists who discovered the comet C / 2011 W3 called Lovejoy, leaving behind huge amounts of ethyl alcohol. In the second produces as much alcohol as could fit in at least 500 bottles of wine.

 Lovejoy revolves around the Sun, but from time to time coming to our planet so that scientists can study the chemical composition of the comet’s characteristic tail. The last such rapprochement took place on 30 January 2015.. A team of NASA scientists observed the comet when it was the brightest and most active.

– After examination it was found that the comet Lovejoy puts out as much alcohol per second, if located at least 500 bottles of wine – said Nicolas Biver of the Astronomical Observatory of Paris.

As a result, we were able to examine the chemical composition of the gases contained in the tail of a comet. There is not only alcohol, but also many other organic substances, including sugars. With this discovery, the more

real it becomes a theory that comets contributed to the origin of life on Earth. – During the great crash, about 3.8 billion years ago, many comets and asteroids hit the Zie.mię. This could usher in life – says Stefanie Milam from NASA, co-author of the study


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