Saturday, October 17, 2015

Star KIC 8462852 – Scientists are serious about the existence of civilization there – Virtual Poland

  The theme of technologically advanced alien civilizations usually deal with science-fiction writers or fans of conspiracy theories. Learn more bypasses this issue, but not because they rule out in advance the existence of such a civilization – simply the lack of evidence of its existence. However, the discovery made using the Kepler space telescope makes us think on that possibility.

 Kepler Space Telescope was launched into orbit in 2009, and his mission was to search for Earth-like extrasolar planets. Although the telescope itself has failed, in four years gathered a lot of data that continue to be processed. During its mission, the telescope was aimed among other things at the sky between the constellations of Lyra and Cygnus. Among the stars in the sky this passage Kepler spotted one, which turned out to be special. It is called KIC 8,462,852th It is more massive and brighter than the sun and is located about 1,500 light-years away from us.

 Kepler Space Telescope measured by subtle differences in the brightness of the stars that indicate that the planets revolve around it. Based on the frequency of these fluctuations and their scale, you can specify the size of an extrasolar planet and its orbit. Around the KIC 8462852 or something circulates, the problem lies in the fact that it is not clear what.

 Jupiter-size planet moving against the shield of similar size stars, reduces the amount of light reaching the sensors of the telescope by about 1 percent. In the case of KIC 8462852 change in the amount of light that reaches were huge and ranged from 15 to 22 percent. What’s more, while observing the star no “flickering” regularly, and observed brightness jumping is not allowed to determine the pattern corresponding to the orbits. In short, the data from Kepler suggested that the star circling the huge mass of compressed matter, which irregularly interferes with the light emitted by the star.

 It is not surprising that this issue has attracted astronomers. Excluded measurement errors, and an international team of researchers, led Tabethy Boyajian at Yale, he decided to try to explain the mystery. The team recently published a paper in which he analyzes all the possible explanations for this. It shows that there is only one natural explanation for this phenomenon – another star may attract towards KIC 8462852 huge string of comets. At the same time, researchers suggest, however, that such an explanation

would simply be an amazing coincidence, considering that it happened just in the narrow (as in cosmic terms) interval, when on earth, there is a civilization able to observe the effects of this phenomenon. And it does not explain the full scale of the observed changes in the amount of light reaching us.

 Therefore arises another explanation. Those that presupposes the existence of a technologically advanced civilization that could raise similar structures around its star.

 “Foreigners should be considered the last of the hypotheses, but it looks just like something you could build alien civilization,” he said in an interview with The Atlantic, Jason Wright, an astronomer with the American Penn State University.

 The explanation could be a Dyson Sphere, that is a hypothetical megastruktura first described in 1959 by the American physicist and futurologist Freeman Dyson. According to him, respectively technologically advanced civilization could build a huge structure that surrounds all of its star, to use all her energy for their own needs. In the case of KIC 8462852 so we would have to deal with the Dyson Sphere under construction. That’s why Wright and Andrew Semyon, director of the SETI program, they want to direct toward the KIC 8462852 radio telescope, through which we closer look at the enigmatic star. If all goes according to their plan, work will commence in January, and anything more we learn in the autumn of next year.

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