Monday, October 19, 2015

Idiot of Bogatynia puppy tossed into the toilet and flushed. The animal did not survive –

The 45 year-old girl from Bogatynia (Lower Silesia) is punishable by up to two years in prison for the killing of the pet and abusing him. Woman several days puppy tossed into the toilet and flushed. The dog did not survive, spent in plumbing more than three hours. His oprawczyni explained that this was the case, because she was going to a dog only wash.

The scandalous behavior committed a resident of Bogatynia in Lower Silesia . 45-year-old threw several days puppy to the toilet and flushed. Police officers from Zgorzelec were informed about this and even though initially they thought it unlikely responded and went to the address indicated. Unfortunately, the information turned out to be true. In place of more firefighters were called and members of the administration building, because doggy stuck in a sewer pipe in the basement. After his release pet, it turned out that it was already too late. The puppy was exhausted after more than 3 hours in the sewer. He survived. 45-year-old woman first explained to the officers that it was an accident, as planned dog wash. But then, during the hearing he pleaded guilty. Now threatens punishment to two years imprisonment. If the court

finds that they acted with particular cruelty in prison could spend up to 3 years.

See: He’s dead puppy Upita by Rumanian woman. She used it to beg


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