While no one is behind your back, you can enter in the search everything. It is easy to use, and no one tells willingly say nothing. Certainly anyone? Information about the fact that Mr Smith was looking for a recipe for “chicken”, Google will keep for yourself. But about the same popularity poultry fillets for free inform anyone typing a yourself (or find on Google) address search trends. It is widely available tool shows who, when, where and what extras typed in the box Google the word or phrase.
– Google Search, and YouTube, which is part of Google ‘ and collects all the queries that it enter, stores and processes them. These data are presented in the Google Trends as graphs, where we can check the interest of users around the world, as well as specific regions, even cities. In addition, we can see how these interests have changed over time, and catch trends and cyclical nature of interest, as well as to compare what is less, and more popular – Rabbi Paul explains the company RedSEO.pl.
A propos health premium …
Health is one of the favorite themes with which we turn to Google. Trace data from the category of “health” of the last 12 months shows that the first on the list of searches is the phrase “breast cancer”, shortly after the “chest pain”. It was only in third place – “breast ultrasound.” Frequently information about these symptoms is searching from Mazovia and Kujawski, the least likely – the inhabitants of Lubusz. They are also the least complain about Google to the kidneys.
More often ask for your teeth – though not as often as the leaders of this statement, that the people of Podkarpacie and of the. In the case of the teeth most often ask about the camera. As for the eyes – with which problems are surfers from Warmia and Mazury – they are mostly swollen and dark circles. Present interesting data on the liver. Here, the undisputed leader of queries is Podlasie, and the liver in the search window is often accompanied by the word “often” or “sick”.
The very select category of “health” has a lot to say about our e-search . If your results to 90 days – but to see the weekly trend – we get a graph similar to the electrocardiogram. Line it glides up and down with surprising regularity. It turns out that information classified by Google as okołozdrowotne looking from Monday to Thursday. From Friday to Sunday, feel better, or at least do not care about the well-being enough to put through a network diagnosis itself.
What is Selfie?
The World According Google Trends began 11 years ago, and he saw the light of day two years later – then this tool available. – Ability to compare trends is used in advertising and business. A list of searches gaining in popularity very useful for journalists – says Piotr Zalewski of Google Poland. The fact is that google’owe trends are largely setting takes the media and the media at the same time there looking for inspiration. The circle is closed.
Giant Silicon Valley for several years now publishes annual reports analyzing the password typed in the search for people in the world. And they are intriguing reading for all who want to be “on time. The latest research możnasię even know that last year was one of the electronic gadgets to wear crowdfundingu, pancakes (usually found on the worldwide provision) and Conchita Wurst. In addition, the global reach has gained panic associated with Ebola epidemic.
From 2014 Polish summaries. We learn that it was the most popular film “City 44″ and the television program “Top Model”. However, last year, Internet users not only looking for information about modelkach. You know what that snapchat? Do not worry, you are not alone. The question “what is snapchat” last year, beating records in Polish browser. This popular messaging service in the United States was equally intriguing for our surfers like “Selfie” and “gender”. Slightly fewer people have tried to determine “what is vs?”, “What is Lyme disease?” And “what the Ukraine?”. But do not be deceived, the most important event of last year was not at war with our neighbors or the seizure of Crimea by Russia. Much more popularneokazały the World Cup and the Eurovision. It was a bearded Conchita Wurst – just after the deceased actress Annie cancer Przybylska – ; the most searched person in Poland. Ahead in the rankings wyszukiwarkowym pedophile and murderer Mariusz Trynkiewicza ski jumper Kamil Stoch. What does this mean? Well, the interest in an online community for horse riding versicolor. Just five years ago, asked, “how to pick up a girl,” and sought Our classes to three years later to ask, “how to remove Facebook” and “how the Money”.
However, there is a trend, which can be predicted. With Google Trends analysis shows that the probability of Internet attention bordering on certainty can catch in only one way: dying. After the death of fashion designer Oscar de la Renta in October, up 14 times more often looked for information about his creations. In terms of growth in the popularity of searches in 2014. Nobody in the world could equal the actor Robin Williams. In Poland, the “record” beat Anna Przybylska.
And at this point we return to health. With the death of stars not only dramatically growing interest in their career, achievements, but also disease. When he died, Robin Williams, the number of searches of the word “depression” has tripled, and behind him were taken by the slogan “depression” and “test for depression”. As for Poland, during the past 12 months, the word “symptoms” frequently typed October 6 – On the death of Anna Przybylska. It was then that a significant number of requests for pancreatic cancer, which was struggling actress.
In addition, the most common were looking for information on colorectal cancer, uterus, lung and breast. But with disarming frankness Google admits that interested us the cancer is not something, and someone, for example …. Vladimir Putin. Let no one is astonished texts, like the one from the portal Wyborcza.pl: “Jozef Oleksy struggled with prostate cancer. Who threatens this cancer? How is it treated? “.
The flu virus as the Internet
In Poland, Google began treating doctor on a large scale at the turn of 2008 and 2009. Few remember that this is a time when appeared the first information about the cases of the virus A / H1N1, widely known as swine flu. It was then increased the number of searches for ‘signs’. Chart steadily climbed up to in May 2009. Attain the highest since 2004. Level. A glance to the news archives to find an explanation – if Poland were recorded in the first case of the disease. However, the highest so far the peak in symptoms occurred in October 2009. Why then? But from May everyone should be tamed were already with the presence of the virus on the Vistula. Again we go back in time to recall that, in October 2009. Within the European Union are admitted to trading on a swine flu vaccine – the same, which the then Health Minister Ewa Kopacz not ordered. There were controversies, speculation, criticism and praise … All clear? Then chec k further.
If the password “symptoms” can so much to say about it, when the Poles interested in information about health, it may get more specifics when we examine the history of the search for “flu”? It turns out that the peak of interest, it does not coincide with the peak for the symptoms. Information about the virus Poles usually so far sought in 2005. – When our country to reach the next news of another strain of influenza, including avian together – H5N1.
The first case of infection birds with the virus but only recorded in March 2006. – then a bar showing the number of searches went up. But it was less than half that of October 2005. What pushed Poles to mass entering the search word “flu” when in our theory there was still nothing to be afraid of? In late September, the UN warned that the avian virus could kill up to 150 million people. Worked on the imagination.
The fact that we write just about the flu, is no coincidence. The increased interest in arresting people globally to bed when the virus spreading epidemic also noticed Google. Based on the data on the number of searches in 2008., Created a model that showed the activity of the virus in the United States based on the search user activity, and in fact only those of them who have to write down to it the word “flu” and the other about 40 flu-related terms ( fever, chills, cough). The experiment called Google Flu Trends, which was supposed to be some kind of support rapid response antygrypowego, aroused considerable interest epidemiologists and researchers. A big plans for Google wrote the magazine “Nature” and Joseph Bresee, the head of the responsible of prevention and epidemiology of influenza in the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, melted in raptures. – We are excited about the future use of technologies su ch as the one for the detection and monitoring of outbreaks of influenza and other emerging diseases into the United States – he said. A Google soon extended the model to other countries, including Poland.
But the spell was broken when it was discovered that the flu is fickle – not only does it still appear in the media, but does not always virulent variant is to happen at different times of the year. And besides, those who, for example. Ask for fever, which combines search with the flu, do not always suffer from precisely this virus. When you started to compile the data provided by Google with what busily counting of epidemiologists, charts began to rozjeżdżać. David Lazer of Northeastern University in Boston put the information collected by a government agency with weekly indications of Google Flu Trends. The result was really impressive: from August 2011. Internet giant model mistaken as many as 100 times for 108 weeks. What’s more, the season 2012/2013 in the United States has been overestimated by him in half. Trends to initiate an alarm unjust appeared after 2009. When the counting algorithm was changed slightly data. It was a reactio n to the great blunder that was oversight by the tool associated with the appearance of the outbreak of swine flu.
A report published in March 2014. By the magazine “Science” Lazer report stresses that, while GFT is wrong, and the scale of these mistakes is too large to be silent, you can not write off big data as a method of data collection and testing and forecasting epidemics. The researcher recommends that instead of blindly believe in indications necessarily based on a faulty algorithm search engine, try – it is still improving – combine it in some way with the latest, but one hundred percent real data, collected by specialized institutions.
Google Research Laboratory
The field is very seasonal
policy, which although it is a significant part of the content of the information entered in the search box at the occasion of the great political events or elections. – Typing the phrase “scandal” for the Polish area, it can be seen that we have some of the country on average every 2-3 months. It should enable the “News Headlines”, which will add headlines from the press, the time – Rabbi Paul notes.
Seasonality can be seen well on the example of the last 12 months – the time of year we went to the polls to vote two times and exactly twice the post searches in the category “Politics” has grown several times in relation to the period of peace between the ballots. The great increase in the plot searches Google did not receive even the way the selection of Donald Tusk as President of the European Council, which was made at the same end of the holiday.
But you can see it also on the line showing interest in politics from 2004., that is, from the point at which Google Trends revealed that the world’s most popular search engine surfers fit. The posts are shooting up exclusively for the elections. The line runs intact even when we come to April 2010. Is shaking until two months later – during the presidential election campaign.
However, all is quite obvious and predictable. Like the fact that the greatest interest are the parliamentary elections, slightly smaller government. But when applied to find information about the frequency of the data at the end of political parties campaign on voting results, you will see some dependencies.
To date, two electoral game most definitely warmed surfers – Mount Everest is years 2005 and 2007. No other voting is not aroused such interest. We checked, as the number of searches on a given lot translated into the electoral outcome. In 2005 – the year of the double victory in the election of Law and Justice – the party that asked for the greatest number of Internet users – today this result has not been beaten. In Google for Law and Justice PO already outclassed during the election campaign, and the result is repeated in the election. It turns out that the difference between them in both cases was – in proportion – almost identical. When the result of the search engine divided by the election result, the resulting ratio is 3.594 for Law and Justice, and for PO – 3,521.
Just one PiS has managed to stay ahead of these OP – before the local elections in 2006, r., won by Platform. The advantage of Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s party in searches appear in October disappeared in November – a month of voting. Then first of all we were looking for winners, not losers. Since that time, on the occasion of any subsequent election the most attention during the campaign gained Civic Platform. And that’s exactly what you were looking for internet users, may be surprised politicians themselves. Take the 2007 elections. – The first great success of the PO and the campaign with the famous debate, during which Donald Tusk questioned Jaroslaw Kaczynski of the price of bread and potatoes. Those who are looking for information on PO, append the words: elections, the program list. In the case of the Law and Justice: an election program election program. Maybe so widespread belief that people do not pay attention to the program and vote for the name, it is an overstatement?
Tools Google know the spec of great political marketing. – Monitor traditional media, but to know what the younger generation is alive, you have to look to the Internet, young people derive knowledge from the network – explains Tomasz Kalita, a spokesman for the Democratic Left Alliance, and boasts of the latest results of Magdalena cucumber. Indeed, the slogan “cucumber” and “Magdalena cucumber” curve searches January 9 – the day of the announcement of the names of the candidates for president SLD – grows to tremendous size and from that day remains at a high level.
– When held in the traditional media about the miners, the web reigned Magdalena cucumber – Kalita added. And never mind that Google trends only show interest in the person – you do not know what is the emotional attitude of people to the candidate or whether this interest will translate into their actual support in the election.
Ideal illustrates an example of Janusz Korwin-Mikke, not without reason called the “King of the Internet”. As for the leaders of the largest parties, JKM – because in this formula, it works most often among Internet users – is second to none. Over the last year entered the name of Donald Tusk was often only a few times, and significantly more often only once – after the former Prime Minister of European promotion. It turns out, however, that “the Internet Fejm” Korwin-Mikke may owe consistent and extensive self-promotion on social networking sites. With his initials because most often the words: Facebook, YouTube, blog, FB.
And though after his departure to Brussels Tusk frequent Internet users started asking Google for Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the president of PiS remains far behind the head of the government. Ewa Kopacz Google’owa popularity continues unabated and far exceeds that which a year ago enjoyed her predecessor as head of the Civic Platform. Between Kopacz and Kaczynski – who, incidentally, very often matched Janusz Palikot – a large hole that is filled by none other than “Komorowski.” The quotes are indicated here, because when we look at the detail search, it turns out that it’s not just the president – Internet users are demanding information from the search engines also an actor Alexei Komorowski.
& gt; & gt; & gt; Read also: Google and start work station. Railway connections in the search engine and maps
How can I get the world on the Internet?
And while all of this may seem like child’s play, one of the flagship Google tools is commonly used in marketing. The network is full of tips like: 6 (8, 10, 12 …) ways to build a successful campaign using Google Trends.
– With the tool used by those who create news sites, bloggers, employees of the e-commerce, and even those who do not sell anything on the network. Google Trends perfectly illustrates the seasonality of demand for a variety of services and needs, allowing you to prepare and timely respond to this demand – says John Hare, a psychologist at the University of Warsaw and CEO Sotrender.
Just consider graphs concerning requests for winter tires, which grow in the fall, and the correlation between the word “recipe” and “diet”. In the first case, the stakes clearly grew twice: between 13 and 19 April and the end of December. Why? People looking for recipes for Easter and Christmas. At the same time chart of popularity of the word “diet” dropped in order to fire at the beginning of January. Obviously – Pole with food during the holidays indulges himself, and soon after they begin to lose weight.
It is thanks to Google trends is also known that the credits begin to think about the fall (at least after the explosion crisis in 2008.), and the planning of investments not we occupy my head on the weekends. Taking also into account the number of searches, it is 2015. Will be a record for the public media in terms of subscription revenues – has never so many people are searching for information on this subject.
According to the available tools Rabbit by Google, like other online analytical services – applications to collect and analyzed data from social media or transactions online stores – in the near future can refurnish research industry. – Compete immediate availability and low price, so go back to the segments that have not been attractive to traditional research firms. Their use also promotes growth of e-commerce and online advertising spending – says Hare.
operating on the Polish market research firms recognized seldom take the orders of more than 10 thousand. zł. – A software analysis can have a few dozen per month, sometimes for free. Another argument in favor of software reliability. A good program is working non-stop, do not take exemptions or holidays and do not want to increase – calculated Hare.
But representatives of the traditional research centers dampen this optimism. Firstly, due to the sampling. – According to a recent study 64 percent. Poles use the Internet, and the rest? – Asks Marcin Duma, President of the Institute of Social and Market Research Homo Homini. The largest group of Internet users is young people. The report CBOS that the network almost universally used by younger respondents (up to 34 years of age), and the vast majority of people aged from 35 to 44 years. Among the respondents having from 45 to 54 years, the percentage of regular users exceeds half, while another group of age is lower. Among the oldest respondents Internet users represent only one-fifth. Internet users are also relatively more in the cities than in the countryside. Pride also notes that Google can track online behavior of its registered users only, or keep track of what they look up using the search. That’s what Goog le can not see this good portion of Internet traffic and mobile. – Google Trends could replace a significant part of the study, if all internet users have used the internet, while logged into your account Google , but for now it’s fiction – says Duma. In addition, data from Google Trends data are passive, that is, resulting from the recording of activity. – This is an extremely valuable data, but unfortunately they do not relate to beliefs, emotions or declaration. It does not replace the qualitative research opportunities – where we see the emotions and opinions of the respondents made in situations designed by us – says Duma. In his opinion, there is no chance to become a substitute for quantitative research, because only refers to the population of Internet users, and only on the Internet.
So it seems that if the rumors about the death of opinion in relation to Google development are greatly exaggerated. But also admits Liszcz Eve, head of SEO / SEM Infor PL, giant and its position trend will continue to grow. – Google is a search engine of choice, in Poland it is used by more than 94 percent. No one has so such a huge database that can be analyzed – Liszcz says, adding that for this tool is not a good alternative.
Curiosity internet is extremely variable, with the addition of short duration. With a probability bordering on certainty their attention for longer, you can catch one way: dying.