Sunday, January 18, 2015

Shared well – Guest Zielona Gorzowski

in Gorzow cathedral was held on 17 tangentially initiating an ecumenical prayer for the unity of believers in Christ in the Diocese of Zielona Gora-Gorzow.

– Week of Prayer for Christian Unity should not only be a week-section of time, but a state of mind common prayer, we believe in Jesus Christ as our only Savior – Bishop Paul Socha said. The Liturgy of the Word, the motto was a fragment of the Gospel: “Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, give me a drink” was attended by representatives of Christian churches Gorzow Wielkopolski. And Frankfurt an der Oder: Fr. Marcin Liberadzki of the Lutheran Church, Father. Jaroslaw Szmajda the Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Pastor Edward Hudzik the Baptist Church, Pastor Slawomir Radoszyński of the Evangelical Methodist Church, Superintendent Frank Schürer-Behrmann, ecumenical evangelical pastor pastor Tobias Kirchof, Pastor Wolfgang Iskraut the European Ecumenical Centre, Father. Theodor Wenzel, the dean of the Catholic Deanery Fürstenwalde. – On our common prayer greet Christians, whose hearts desire

is to fill the testament of Jesus in the Upper Room, t hat all may be one – said Fr. Zbigniew Kobus, pastor of the cathedral parish. Ecumenical devotion, prepared by the Father. Tadeusz Kuźmickiego, clerk Ecumenical Bishop Paul Socha, a sermon was preached by Fr.. Dariusz Hubiak, Greek Catholic parish priest of St. Martyr Josaphat in Gorzow Wielkopolski. – Today’s ecumenical meeting puts us questions. What is the way of unity, the route we should take the world to be able to drink from the fountain of the water of life – Jesus Christ? Do you see a common pit at which we can take a break from contention? The answer to this also gives us Jesus, in the Gospel we read: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ” In this way we should act in our religious diversity, but in union to Christ – said Fr. Dariusz Hubiak.


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