Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Windows 7: From now on, the end of support – Virtual Poland

  In October 2013 years of Windows 7 has been withdrawn from sale alone. Support its primary phase, in which we could count on free updates for introducing amendments to the stability of the system and new functionality is now finished.

 From now till 14 January 2020 years Windows 7 enters a phase of additional support. What does this mean for the end user? The difference lies mainly in the fact that we will no longer receive any new features such as even the next release of DirectX. There also will be able to count on free technical support. Companies that continue using Windows 7 and want to be provided with technical support for 90 days

from today to buy a contract for additional support. Amendments relating to security and critical errors will continue to be made available.

 Ultimately, additional support phase lasts for five years, but the company may be extended if need be the situation on the market – just as it did in the case of support for Windows XP.


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