Source: Private archive
The author: Philip Frydrykiewicz
Year 2014 was the warmest on Earth since the late nineteenth century, when they began to perform such measurements – according to separate analyzes of the American NASA and the National Oceanic and Meteorological USA (NOAA)
Of the 10 warmest years on record the temperature on the surface of the earth, which began in 1880, nine reported since 2000.
Since 1880, the average temperature rose by approx. 0.8 degrees Celsius, and this trend is maintained mainly due to an increase of emissions to the atmosphere Earth’s carbon dioxide and
– Earth globe is now warmer than it was in the past 100 years, and probably at least 5000 years – from climate expert said Jennifer Francis of Rutgers University in New Jersey. – Any traces of doubt that should this is human activity, now vanished.
Already in December 2014. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), presenting data on temperatures from January to October, reported that this year may be the warmest.
– Global warming does not slow – said the secretary general of the WMO Michel Jarraud. – What we observe in 2014, is in line with what we expected from a changing climate.

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