Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Good e-cigarette, e-joint angry? Manufacturers of electronic … – Gadzeto Mania

What threatens the e-cigarette? Social resistance, restrictive regulations, stupid politicians? No! It turns out that on the industry fell pale fear because of the innocent – seemingly – E-joint.

E-Cigarette better than a cigarette?

I remember the disbelief, the which a few years ago in Poland accepted the introduction of the smoking ban. Although it did not concern me directly, rooted in his mind the image of smoky interior of the pub seemed to be something compatible with the natural order of the world.

Although some as usual found in the suppression of socialist conspiracy, millions of Poles quickly began to appreciate the fact that the evening in good company does not have to be associated with smoking and absorption by the stench of cigarette clothes .

As usual with the ban came up with ideas how to get around, including e-cigarettes, providing smokers nicotine and seizure for hands without uprzykrzania living environment. Although this gadget also causes a bit of controversy , it can be considered acceptable for a compromise.

Smoke – a favorite of the Minister of Finance

I have nothing to smokers. In fact it is – from the point of view of the state – citizens perfect . Live to the age of the production, seem fortune on high excise duty levied on products, and when it comes time to reap the pension system, with poor prevention die quickly enough to the public health service bankrutowała not curing cancer.

Since tobacco addiction someone stopped me interact with cigarette smoke, can not say a bad word about smokers . It’s up to them what they like and breathe. A lot of bad words I could say for it at the tobacco industry, which I consider extremely demoralized, unscrupulous and harmful. And at the same time very effective.

Manufacturers are fighting for market

poison cigarette manufacturers could not calmly watch as any currency worth billions of market slips out of their hands . They began to invest in the sector of e-cigarettes or simply redeem the manufacturers of this equipment.

And everything would be fine, if not on the horizon, a new

enemy: e-joint!
The idea to use e-cigarettes to supply the body other than the nicotine substance is not new. On the track experiments with essential haszyszowymi easily we will get on forums, bringing together fans of herbal stimulants and electronic cigarettes.

So far, however, these were the grassroots activities, hobbies and inevitably niche. That was the time when the subject of interest in a character whose authority and firepower exceeds the Dalai Lama, the president and the Order of the Redemptorists together. One fine day, from his throne zwlekł Snoop Dogg himself, who said – will be e-smoking! – And designed a device, like e-cigarette, which can be used to heat different herbs .

Snoop Dogg into action

Reaction e-cigarette industry has proved to be very fun. It seems that the invention of the old rapper begins to gain popularity, as working for the e-cigarette manufacturers piarowcy strained, zaparzyli coffee in large cups and demanded increases, then the Network released a categorical error .

When translating them from the marketing jargon to human language, we learn from them that the e-cigarette is really a cure for addicts, the essence of high technology and by the way the device with which you can use only “liquid nicotine” . A shake up the industry with indignation at the thought that someone could use e-cigarettes for any purpose other than inhalation of nicotine. And besides, Snoop Dogg equipment from only looks like an e-cigarette, but it works on an entirely different principle.

It’s fun to watch, as manufacturers of e-cigarettes panic at the thought that someone might start to associate with other substances psychoactive than nicotine. Hypocrisy? Fear of losing profits? Reluctance to the competition? I do not know, which of these motives dominate , but it seems that Snoop Dogg has done quite a stir in the industry.


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