Thursday, January 8, 2015

New discoveries of the Earth’s twin. NASA invites to holiday on … – Polish Radio

  photo: NASA / vision of the artist.

The new Earths found thanks to the Kepler Telescope. It is most similar to the planet of the body, which has so far been discovered.

The technical name of this new exoplanets Kepler Kepler 438 b and 442 b. Both are rocky and are located at a distance from the central star that may exist there water in a liquid state.

In addition to these, astronomers have found traces of Kepler data of four other planets. Thus, the number of exoplanets discovered with the help of the famous NASA telescope exceeded 1000, also increased the number of known terrestrial planets.

The two new “lands” There are hundreds of light-years away from us. Orbit around stars weaker and darker than our sun.

As most of the planets found by Kepler, too, and they were discovered by

transit, ie. On the basis of measurements of the brightness of the central star (if the star periodically darkens, it may mean that after the disc moves the planet).

Kepler 438 b is 12 percent. larger than Earth, and Kepler 442 b – about 30 percent. Elephants can be a bit warmer than previously known to us “lands” Kepler Kepler 62 186 fi f.

Meanwhile, NASA launched a campaign to popularize the discovery of Kepler Telescope. On a special page you can watch the advertising folders that represent rocky exoplanets as a vacation destination.

(ew / ScientificAmerican / NASA)


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