Monday, January 19, 2015

Google Glass – all wrong. The most wasted draft … –

On Thursday, January 15 world learned that Google Glass will go to the new section which is not a part of Google X. The head of the project will Tony Fadell, a former Apple employee and co-founder of Nest smart thermostat.

Google Glass transfer can accelerate its commercialization, but the company did not provide any specific information or dates. This means that the smart glasses do not go on sale for a long time. We know only that “work in progress”, which is a euphemism for “maybe one day will not be interesujcie.”

From fascination to mockery Fig. Rubin Starset

From fascination to mockery – Piotr Stanislawski

I think that Google Glass will remember for a long time. Unfortunately – rather with a mixture of regret and a bit of embarrassment. Perhaps for a time history of this device will also be scrolled up, as a warning, marketing courses. And then, for the next 20 years, Google Glass will appear along with MiniDiskiem and Segway in statements wasted projects that have high potential.

What went wrong? The beginning was great – managed to cause a fascination that has been fueled by difficult access to the equipment. People who were lucky enough to test Google Glassy in 2013 aroused curiosity and envy. When, in July 2013 we were able get them readers interest was huge.

And that’s the end of the successes. Then everything has already been done wrong. First of all, Google has not coped with – completely contrived – a matter of privacy. In the minds of people Google Glass has become a device that can be discreetly filmed the private lives of others. Meanwhile, these glasses to completely not suitable. They are great and looks at them quite bizarre. Record only short films and is in a rather average quality. If I wanted to shoot someone discreetly, I would use this ordinary smartphone or these strange headphones .

The problem is that Google is not able to show how really looks like the issue of privacy. As a result, the user of this equipment (although de facto such users almost no) has become synonymous with a voyeur and Lansera – Glassholem.

Another mistake is fatal communication on the future of Google Glass. Presented in April 2012, had come to market at the end of the same year. Then – a year later. Next has actually ceased to talk about specific dates and slowly the project has become almost synonymous with something that will never be release. There were jokes and ridicule. In addition, the device slowly became obsolete, the competition showed similar projects.

And finally – the lack of a clear application. What were supposed to Google Glassy? Today we can see that a large part of their function coincides with the watches running under Android Wear – service notifications, navigation. Developers who have tried to create applications on Glassy have been exposed by Google to the wind by delaying the launch and subsequent limitations imposed by the same equipment and the right.

It started with something that almost everyone wanted to try. It ends on something of which almost all laugh. Google bravo …

The ship is sinking, because everyone already & # x17C; long it escaped Fig. Ted Eytan

The ship is sinking, because everyone has long since escaped him – Luke Józefowicz

It started with great fanfare and promise, but with sometimes enthusiasm waned, until little was left of the initial

excitement. After almost three years since its launch, only 114 available applications on Google Glass. For comparison, after 3 months Wear on the Android operating system for watches, there are already 70 preset programs. In January 2015, ie 10 months after the release, there are already more than 180. In comparison with the development of The Glass falls extremely pale, which further confirms the definitive abandonment of the Twitter platform.

Three years ago, after the official premiere of glasses , The Glass began to appear startups. Today, most or the reclassified and creates applications for other devices (such as Oculus Rift), or closed doors. At the end of 2014. Reuters contacted with independent developers forming on Google Glass – from 16 until 9 no longer do anything for this platform. As a reason for its decision to hardware limitations ii pointed a small number of users. The 3 other developers switched to the creation of specialized applications for business. The initial excitement of a new device caused many supported them with their work and creativity, but so far no one has paid off, and after 3 years wafted crowd.

Where Google has made a mistake? Most likely, at the very beginning, setting a high price of the device (up to $ 1500!), And restricting access to it. A small amount of active users discouraged application developers, and the lack of customer applications rejected. On eBay, you can now find 150 auction Glassami – version 2.0 we get there “now” for $ 750. Any hopes of eventually were finally suppressed for 3 years of the experimental phase – Google Glass is now called. Development hell, prolonged indefinitely testing stage and changes. Tony Fadell is to break this streak and do with The Glass finished product. In the current situation, however, it will not be an easy task.

07.16.2013 Warsaw. Agora. Journalists logo,, Technology and Gazeta Wyborcza tests the first time Google Glass glasses. Fig. Slawomir Kaminski / Agency Newspaper Fig. Slawomir Kaminski / Agency Newspaper

It is a pity that this is how it ended – Joanna Sosnowska

I know I’m in the minority, but I regret that the project Google Glass goes to non-existence. Even if Google did not say it directly yet, it does not delude ourselves – the decision to withdraw the product from the market and halt the work is what it is.

I am sorry, because glasses Google is one of the most interesting and the most innovative technology in recent years. Make no mistake – even better resolution in smartphones or “smart watches” is not innovation. Like the whole category of “wearable devices,” or intelligent accessories or extras. At this year’s CES-e was presented hundreds of solutions of this type, but none of them riveted attention. Another band for exercise, another sensor in the headphones, another meter in a cup coffee. Interesting? Yes. I need? Not really.

Glassy also proved to be unnecessary, but at least they were innovative. Promised a whole new way of interacting human being – the device that caused the world which so far only read in cyberpunk novels became a little more realistic. Do not associate an application that would use the full potential of The Glass and made the use of them would make sense. Unfortunately, once again proved that the technology ahead of our imagination.


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