Friday, January 9, 2015

NASA invites you to visit exoplanets using … –

Kepler-186f is less than 500 light-years away . It is the first planet discovered Earth-size, which is located in the ecosphere, the habitable zone. This is a region around a star, wherein the water is present in liquid form and wherein occurrence of life is possible. Radius of the planet Kepler-186f is about 1.1 radius of the Earth.

orbiting a red dwarf star smaller and cooler than the sun. In addition to the planetary system are still four other planets – but they are very close to the star. Kepler-186f is away from them, and the only one located in the ecosphere.

Password poster reads “ Where the grass is always more red on the other side ” (paraphrased saying “ the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence “). The grass would be a different color on the planet by the type of star. Red dwarfs are darker than our sun. Particles that radiate, they have a lot less energy. Most of them lies in the infrared range. Therefore, to carry out photosynthesis, the plants would have to absorb as many photons – with the greatest waveband. The list would not be so green, just like on Earth, and probably dark. Gray, black – or red. Although our eyes not expected to be as bright as the poster. On the planet reaches too little visible light.

Planet HD 40307g is distant from us by 42 light years. Orbits the star smaller than our sun, she takes 198 days. It is located in the habitable zone.

Weight HD 40307g is nearly seven times

the mass of Earth. This makes it so. super-Earth. Although scientists are not quite sure of that. The planet may well be a “mini-Neptune” with no solid surface.

NASA “advertises” the planet of its strong gravity. Certainly skydiving in such conditions would be even more extreme sport.

Kepler-16b is unofficially called Tatooine, because as the planet of “Star Wars” revolves around two stars. Hence the slogan on the poster: “The Land of the two suns. Where’s your shadow always have company.”

The planet has a mass of Saturn, half made up of gas in the middle of the rock and ice. Conditions are not conducive to her life. The surface temperature is compared to the temperature of dry ice, which is approx. – 80 ° C. But it deserves attention because of its two suns. Observed is the first planet that orbits a binary system. Its existence to the surprise of scientists. Its orbit around a double star is two times closer than allowed for a valid theory.

Both stars are smaller than our sun. One star is 0.7 solar masses, only 0.2 second. Kepler-16b is located on the edge of the habitable zone, but due to the composition of the life on it is not possible. Although the moon if it were, it would be the life.



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