In the early evening, January 13, 2015 at 17:50 in the greater part of the Polish car was visible, that is a very bright meteor. The phenomenon lasted for several seconds, which is a very long time.
As stated on their website Laboratory Comet and Meteor, the phenomenon began relatively far from the Polish eastern border. – Beginning registered in the photographs is on the border between Belarus and Ukraine, 25 km south of Pinsk in Belarus, at an altitude of 102 km – read on PKiM. In the middle of the trajectory of the car was over Brest, and reached a maximum brightness above the village Plater Podlasie. It was an absolute brightness magnitude -7. Building Lot ended a few kilometers north of Wotomin at an altitude of 62 km.
The orbit of the car is similar to the orbits of short-period comets. Also brightness and high altitude, where the phenomenon began, may confirm cometary origin of the car.
(ew /
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