Computers are better able to evaluate our personality than people. Proved by research conducted by a team of researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Stanford. They created a special application called “myPersonality App”, which benefited approx. 90 thousand. people. Thanks algorithms built into the program can learn on how what we liked on Facebook translates into who we are.
The algorithm analyzed the “Laika” users to assess their personality in different terms – susceptibility to addiction, political orientation, with respect to health related issues, etc. About the same rating asked friends and relatives of people taking part in the study.
It turned out that the computer is able – on the basis of “lajków” – is able to assess the person’s personality better than a roommate, a colleague even a wife or mother.
“We proved that it is enough just ten lajków analysis to assess the personality of the person better than her friend. For a more thorough evaluation than issued by a roommate or friend need to analyze 70 lajków. To rating was better than the assessment parent needs 150 lajków, spouse – 300 “- says the studies cited by Business Insider.
What does this mean for users of Facebook, and – more broadly – Internet users? It depends on how the new tool will use the portals owners and advertisers. On the one hand, this type of algorithm can help you create the perfect “digital assistant” like Siri and Cortana. On the other hand, the algorithm is another instrument to better match ads to interfere in our privacy. And that probably do not want.
In the middle of last year, we wrote about another tool analyzing personality – in this case, the algorithm defined based on what and how to write on Facebook. So if Google and Facebook already have such tools is hard to imagine how many of us really know. Maybe more than we do? Please leave comments.
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