Friday, January 16, 2015

Parliament passed a law on the protection of animals used for … –

In the discussion on this bill clashing views of animal rights and scientific arguments of those who said they had no experience and experimentation, it is impossible to develop new treatments. Minister of Science, says prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, previous law related to animal experiments, the idea of ​​this is to protect them.

“The world is becoming less and less a situation where the use of laboratory animals, more and more is the visualization techniques, computer” – says the minister. “That which was adopted in the Parliament, up to protect animals, not only from the pain, but also from stress,” – he said.

The local ethics committees on which will depend on the experience come into agreement has 6 scientists, three representatives of organizations who care about animal welfare and 3 humanists. One of the humanists to represent an organization of patients. Permission to conduct the

experiment will require a 2/3 majority vote. “So we have a diverse environment, representing a variety of reasons,” – said prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska. The decision of the local ethics committees can be appealed to the National Commission on Ethics.

According to the adopted law prohibiting animal will conduct research related to acute and chronic pain. Studies using wild animals and the homeless will be carried out only in exceptional and duly justified cases. Experiments on animals will be carried out when there will be no other option.


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