Saturday, January 10, 2015

Falcon 9 rocket test ended fiasco – Polish Radio

Start took place as planned, but the landing was not. The first stage, which is the largest member of Falcon was soft to sit on a special platform the size of a football field located on the Atlantic. Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that although the rocket reached the end, but it was a hard landing. The platform is broken, and the rocket needs renovation. Musk adds that there are no good pictures from the landing, because it was dark and foggy, so you’ll need to recreate the sequence of events telemetry data.

The purpose of this experiment is to construct

a rocket that could be a soft landing and inexpensive reusable equipment use. Meanwhile, launched on Dragon ship is safe and flies to the International Space Station. Docking on Monday.

See the gallery – Day in pictures & gt; & gt; & gt;

IAR / aj


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