Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The machine analyzes the “Laika” get to know you better than family – Pulse of Business

The computer can determine a man’s personality better than his family, based on the analysis of his “lajków” on Facebook – is the result of a study conducted by two American universities on a group of 86 thousand. volunteers.

The study conducted Cambridge and Stanford Universities, and the result is already defined as a “milestone towards a more social interaction computer-to-man.”

Detailed relationship has just been with a commentary published in the prestigious scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS).

The study was based on a computer analysis of the Facebook activity of 86 thousand. 220 volunteers reported to experiment. Special program check a number “lajków” left by them, and on the basis of a defined personality volunteer. Then his analysis of the compiled about him / her know colleagues, friends and immediate family, based on tests completed by them.

The result surprised the researchers, because it turned out that based on such a small number of data as what someone “likes” on Facebook

the machine was able to better define the personality than family and friends.

We offer a 10 “lajków” a person’s computer defined it better than the hallway. Analyzing their 150 – surpassed know the immediate family, and having access to 300 lajkowanych content – the computer knew more than the spouse.

– In this context, the vision of human-computer interaction depicted in the movie “She” seems to be completely within our capabilities – wrote in a press relations, Dr. Wu Youyou Psychometry Center at Cambridge.

The film “She” (Her) talks about “romance” between a man and an operating system built on the principle of artificial intelligence. Creation Spike Jonze was in theaters in Poland at the beginning of 2014.

One of the co-authors of the study is to Pole – Dr. Michael Kosinski, specialist in sociology and psychology data, previously associated with Cambridge today employed at Stanford University in the department of computer science (Computer Science Department).


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