2015-01-08 13:04
futuristic films of the past year 2015 and further presented Times are as flying cars, hovercraft, and contact with visitors from outer space. Although we are moving not even after soaring highways, the discovery of life beyond Earth may be in the coming years within our reach. Barely began in 2015, researchers from the Center for Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian announced the discovery of the most in their opinion has Earth-like planet outside the solar system.
& gt; & gt; The Guardian & lt; & lt; reported that the planet Kepler 438b, which orbits a distant star in the constellation Lyra, it can be a bit larger than Earth. Revo lves around an orange dwarf star, basking in the warmth coming from the 40% superior to the one that comes to us from the sun. Small size planets Kepler 438b indicate its probable rockiness, and the proximity of the stars makes is in the ecosphere, which is the area of habitable, where there is a suitable temperature to remain in the water in a liquid state – as reports & gt; & gt; The Guardian & lt; & lt;.
The newly discovered planet, which is located at a distance of 470 years light from us, orbits its star in 35 days for every year passes there 10 times faster than on Earth. Kepler 438b is not alone. It is one of the eight potential zamieszkiwalnych, new planets, some of which is similar to Earth in size and location, which was announced at the recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society. In a statement to the magazine & gt; & gt; Science & lt; & lt; about this message, Douglas Caldwell of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, noted: ,, significantly extended the list of best small planets in the habitable zone. “
One of the other planets in the new list also appears to be promising . Kepler 442b is in the same constellation at a distance of 1 100 light years. & gt; & gt; The Guardian & lt; & lt; indicates that it is about one-third the size of Earth, reaches the two-thirds more light from the star, and the probability of 60% is rocky. According to & gt; & gt; Scientific American & lt; & lt ;, both Kepler 438b and Kepler 442b may be slightly warmer than the previous two, the first rocky planets – Kepler 186f, and Kepler 62f – which reaches far less light from the star, much less more what to Mars.
The research
Although the newly discovered planets are characterized by positive indicators zamieszkiwalności, David Kipping, who co-wrote the report with research and astronomer at the Center for Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian, recommended in a statement for & gt; & gt; Scientific American & lt; & lt; caution: ,, We can not all certainty whether these planets are really habitable, but only so that they are promising candidates in the context of zamieszkiwalności “. He also speaking for & gt; & gt; The Guardian & lt; & lt ;, that Kepler 438b and 442b ,, are so close match of the Earth, as we can be that traced back to data from Kepler. “
What will be the Therefore, the next step in the search for life beyond our world? According to & gt; & gt; The Guardian & lt; & lt; hopes planet-hunters are associated now with the next generation of telescopes, including the replacement of the Hubble Space Telescope James Webb and Extremely Big Telescope European (E -ELT.) Meanwhile & gt; & gt; Scientific American & lt; & lt; watches planned, American telescope cosmic TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) NASA, which is to be completed in 2017. TESS will conduct a review of the entire sky, focusing tranzytujących searching, rocky planets around nearby stars.
The test report will be published in the journal & gt; & gt; The Astrophysical Journal & lt; & lt;.

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