Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Discovered two unknown planet in the solar system? They … – News 24

At least two known planets may be beyond Pluto. Researchers at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Cambridge have made a discovery that could change forever our image of the solar system.

/ Fig. By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Scientists at the Complutense and Cambridge have studied so. transneptunowe extreme objects (ETNO). From the behavior of these asteroids concluded that the orbit of Neptune and Pluto should be at least two planets. There are signs that they are objects larger than Earth.

“The exact number is uncertain, given that the data we have are limited. Our calculations indicate that there are at least two [unknown] of the planet, and probably more, within the limits of our solar system,” – said Carlos de la Fuente Marcos agenciasinc.es quoted by the service.

Extreme transneptunowe objects according to current theory meet certain criteria. Among them

should be first and foremost in terms of the slope of zero degrees with respect to the solar system and random occurrence. More than a dozen objects studied by the scientists shows unusual behavior. The average inclination of the orbit is 20 degrees.

Read also: New Horizons probe begins the next phase of the mission. By July, the object will be closer to Pluto

Scientists are aware of two problems faced by their discovery. The first non-compliance with existing models of the solar system formation. According to them, there are other planets moving on circular orbits beyond Neptune. The second problem is a small sample of objects, which conducted the analysis. There were 13 so far, but researchers are hoping that in the next few months there will be more and more.


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