Sunday, January 11, 2015

Samsung and its concept and the Internet of Things (IoT) – Interia

1 hour. 3 minutes ago

President and CEO of Samsung Electronics, BK Yoon, called for more openness and cooperation of representatives of various sectors in order to take advantage of opportunities creates Internet of Things (IoT).

President and CEO of Samsung Electronics, BK Yoon – each giant technology industry currently supports IoT

/ press releases

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Is The Internet of Things (IoT also called)? This concept assuming the exchange of information between different devices. Electronics “talking” to each other by sending and collecting data. All this, to – in theory – people live better.

– The Internet of Things has a chance to transform our society, economy and way of life – convinced BK Yoon. Our task is to joint action – within the industry and individual sectors – for the realization of the idea of ​​a very promising Internet of Things. BK Yoon also stressed that the IoT must be focused on the needs of people and answer their lifestyle: “Internet of things does not focus on the equipment. The most important are the people. Everyone is

in the center of its own technological universe, and the universe will be continually adapted IoT and change shape according to the reality in which we operate. “

BK Yoon also emphasized the important role of developers in the creation of IoT and announced that in 2015, Samsung plans to invest more than $ 100 million in the development of its developer community .Firma also conducts research on chips, such as epic (embedded package on package) or bioprocessor, which thanks to its small size and low power consumption are used for a variety of devices, especially mobile devices and ubieralnych.

The Koreans believe that the implementation of the concept of IoT will have far-reaching consequences, not comparable with the current influence of the consumer electronics industry, because it touches every aspect of our everyday life and cause a revolution in all industries. The success of the idea of ​​IoT requires close cooperation between companies representing various industries allowing for the creation of the necessary infrastructure and develop a suitable number IoT customized services to meet the needs of customers.

I am deeply convinced that neither the company nor any industry is not able to fully exploit the potential of the Internet of things, acting in isolation – summed BK Yoon. To create a universe of IoT, we need to implement the concept of Internet of Things in all industries. Only by working together, we will be able to improve the quality of life of people.


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