Researchers at Northeastern University in Boston have discovered a new antibiotic that can help us in the fight against the most resistant microorganisms. This is the first such success for several decades, the hope is that the advantage over bacteria, which we look forward to the beginning of the era of antibiotics, manage to maintain. Tejksobaktyny describes the discovery in the latest issue journal “Nature”.
The discovery is the result of a breakthrough in thinking. Microbiologists have long known that the new antibiotics have to look where they arise, examining living in soil bacteria and fungi. However, only a percentage of these bacteria growing in the laboratory. These have been tested and antibiotics derived from them have long been known. This time, moved an experiment in natural conditions, developed chips that can be placed in the soil and examine the bacteria, which they think they are in the wild.
Designed by researchers at Northeastern University iChipy allow you to place downloaded from the soil bacterium in individual chambers providing them full access to molecules present in the ground. In this way can be cultured under controlled conditions up to half of the
Scientists have tested in this way, about 10,000 colonies of bacteria. To make sure that they are able to stop the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. This resulted in 25 potential antibiotics, which tejksobaktyna has proved the most promising. Though not tested it yet in humans, but studies of human cell cultures have shown that it is not toxic to them. Importantly, the principle of its operation makes it difficult for bacteria will become resistant to it.
Tejksobaktyna attacks the bacteria differently than other antibiotics by binding to the lipid disrupts the structure of their cell membranes. Bacteria is extremely difficult to defend themselves. The new antibiotic was effective against extremely difficult to treat, metycyklinę resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and dangerous Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other Gram-positive bacteria. Chances are that further studies confirm its effectiveness also against other bacteria as a source of nosocomial infections.
Studies in mice have shown that it does not destroy tejksobaktyna mammalian cell membranes, the final confirmation of the absence of side effects, however, will be able to earn after clinical trials. Past observations, however, gives rise to a large optimism. Also promise to be optimistic about further testing using iChipów, scientists hope to find more effective means against Gram-negative bacteria, which tejksobaktyna does not work.
Grzegorz Jasinski

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