Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Train journey can be planned on Google maps – rmf24.pl

planning on traveling by car with Google maps? Now you can plan your journey by train. Railway started its cooperation with the global giant.

Photo. Illustrative

/ arch. RMF FM /

Google Maps unfortunately not informed about delays trains. This is the main drawback, because as far as planning to travel by car map shows us the alternative routes and as far as the actual travel time and congestion having difficulties, then travel by train is based solely on data scheduled. The map shows, for which the train departs, and about which should get there. They are not real-time information, it is the future of the service. We started in some places in the world to work on it. This information, which are available in Poland, is scheduled information – admits Marta Jozwiak from Google.

Unfortunately, choosing a

railway connection, we can not directly from the map to buy a ticket. You have to go to the site again and again train search train, which we saw on the map.

maps.google.pl service connections made available by PKP Intercity trains, InterCity Express or Premium (Pendolino), Express InterCity, InterCity and your Railways (TLK). For international calls, the service will show the travel times on Polish territory.

To plan your journey by train, you have to go to maps.google.pl or run Google Maps on your smartphone or tablet, click the icon “Get”. From the list of available options, select the “Rail” and then enter the start and end station. That’s enough to run the search calls, check your route, find stations and estimate travel time.



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