Miguel Angel Aranda / Flickr CC by 2.0
Windows 10
After which replace the Windows 7 operating system later if this is successful enough? – may ask accustomed to a traditional desktop computer skeptics vision tempted rapid approach of Windows 10. Why give up Windows 8.1, when finally, after deep adjustments, works as it should? – You may ask proponents of “tiles”, more convenient to use on a tablet with a touch screen.
For the one and the other Microsoft has a ready answer. He betrayed her yesterday when transmitted to the whole world conference: Windows 10 shall include the very best of Windows 7 and 8.1, in addition luring additional attractions.
First, Windows 10 will work on all devices, from where every day use: computers, tablets, and smartphones. Which means that not only replaces Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, but Windows Phone 8.1. More: Windows 10 can handle the Xbox game consoles, and electronics that belongs to the category of the Internet of Things. In summary, the program written for Windows 10 will be able to run on any of these devices.
Secondly, all users of Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 will be able to install Windows 10 charge for one year from the release of system. All Windows 10 further improvements will also be free.
Third, not only Windows 10 will work on all devices in the same way, but the office suite of Office programs. Create a spreadsheet in Excel, text file in Word or PowerPointcie presentation using a computer at work – and then we give it further editing already on your tablet or even a smartphone. Without the hassle of storing and transferring files, because all the data will always be available in the “cloud”, specifically in the service OneDrive.
Windows 10 will see also a new web browser named code “Project Spartan” . We know about it so far that it will apply annotations directly on web pages (using the keyboard or pen), for example in order to share these comments with your friends.
The main attraction, however, promises to be a virtual browser integration assistant Cortana. Video game lovers know that such a name was wearing artificial intelligence advice and information supporting the main character of the game series “Halo”. In Windows 10 will also Cortana, if possible, to answer questions. For example: “Where can I find some good local pizzeria?”.
An interesting conference was as much as 84-inch touch screen called Microsoft Surface Hub, packed with cameras, sensors and microphones. This is the right digital array for use in professional applications, such as conference rooms.
The biggest hit of the presentation, however, was the announcement of an exciting future – screening technology known to us so far from science-fiction movies. Microsoft speaks directly about holograms and HoloLens uses the name, but it is a bit confusing. Yes, you can see wearing goggles HoloLens so far, the spatial world around them, so that enriched “holograms” – three-dimensional projections, for example, displays, human figures, furniture, whatever.
These “holograms” However, this is not true holograms, which is visible to all light constructs – like Princess Leia in the famous scene from “star wars” – which asks for help Obi Wan Kenobi-. This illusion deceiving the human brain. He sees them only person wearing goggles. Unless you invite to participate in the projection of someone else.
Sensors in HoloLens, as well as systems for Xbox Kinect, recognize hand movements, so you can enter data “holograms” in the interaction. During the show employee of Microsoft created a model czterowirnikowego airborne drone. Mainly hand gestures, but also helping to voice commands. Thus, the system is running, the stage remained cuts. Prospects for the use of such a solution, even at work, seem so huge that it is difficult to grasp the imagination.
Yesterday Microsoft conference is likely to be judged in retrospect as a turning point in the history of the company . There are signs that it is Microsoft, by critics in recent years has repeatedly accused of lagging behind changes in the PC market, we will soon offer augmented reality technology (ang. Augmented reality) with the greatest potential. Former leader of the computer industry came back to spearhead and sets the direction, went far into the future.

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