W tuition evening of 13 January. in the chair. 16:50 UT (17:50 local time) for the most visible part of the country was very clear and very long car.
registered it Camera s Polish Fireball Network (PFN), project implemented by Studio Comet and Meteor (PKiM) in collaboration with astronomers of the Astronomical Centre. Copernicus Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland. The grant is funded by the National Science Centre. The network currently includes 20 stations regularly patrolling the night sky over the Polish.
Several seconds focus
This phenomenon was also a note by amateur astronomers, who captured the phenomenon on the occasion of the shooting Comet C / 2014 Q2 Lovejoy. registered them by radio station PFN55 – the graph is visible signal radio echo of about 2 minutes.
The car is likely to continue for several seconds, the part of which is registered on the network cameras PFN takes about 10 seconds. It was exceptionally long – very flat trajectory slope was only 5 degrees, which makes it similar to the orbits of short-period comets with aphelion (ie. The point on the orbit, circling around the sun celestial body located in the farthest distance relative to the Sun) moving in between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn.
From the Far East
– The phenomenon began relatively far from the Polish eastern border. Beginning registered in the photographs, is located on the border between Belarus and Ukraine, 25 km south of Pinsk in Belarus, at an altitude of 102 km. Around the middle of the trajectory of the car was over Brest, and intensely shimmering reached the maximum brightness above the village Plater Podlasie (about -7 absolute magnitude brightness) – said Przemyslaw stomach.
Rich light curve
cometary origin seems to confirm a rather large amount of initial and rich in flashes of light curve. Meteor flight finally ended after almost 341 kilometers at an altitude of 62 km, found a few kilometers north of Wotomin.
The initial speed of the car was about 27 km / s, in the final part became noticeable inhibition phenomenon of atmospheric and ended at a speed of about 21 km / s.

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