Saturday, January 24, 2015

Already you can test Windows 10. It’s free, after Polish and Cortana! –

The latest version of Windows 10 Technical Preview is already Download in Polish. A test version of the system will look at the many new features and facilities, which in the previous version was not.

New Start Menu

Windows 10

One of the most important elements of the system took shape already ripe. During Wednesday’s conference Microsoft emphasized that it is this element of the system was one of the most talked about by the users involved in testing.

Based on the opinion of users of Microsoft decided so that the Start Menu you will be enlarge to full screen size. You can also see that it combines features of the “old” and the philosophy of the Start Menu of Windows 8.


We’re not sure if Cortana in the test version of Windows 10 will speak and understand Polish . Certainly downloading the English version of Windows 10 will be able to check the operation of the virtual assistant on your desktop

Cortana in

Windows 10 is one of the most important news, because through it we can, for example, ask to open an email attachment from a using a language natural (Ex .: “Cortana, open the calculation, which I received on Wednesday from Peter.”

Applications Universal

This is another novelty, which we are interested. Applications such as Photos, Mail, Maps pre-installed in the system should look and act the same as those available in the mobile version of the system.

I do not see

By installing the latest test version of Windows 10 does not see, unfortunately, two extremely important applications: Spartan browser and Xbox App. These two quite important for the new system solutions will go to the next version of the Technical Preview.

How to download?

The English and Polish versions (32 and 64bit) can be downloaded free at this address. The image of the system can be burned to a CD or install it on a virtual machine (which may be safer).


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