30 September Audiovisual Centre presents Flash – humanoid robot. Wroclaw University of Technology created a robot-assistant proved to be sympathetic and very talkative. Is everyone can have at home such helper?
The creators of Flash robot called social because user interaction is its main task.
– Includes built-in Kinect device and a camera in the nose, so recognize our figure, face and gestures – tells the story of a prototype Dr. John Kędzierski, the main constructor. – While the current robot presents a simple model of communication, we want this to was a natural and credible.
When asked about his name, he told about himself, gesturing broadly at the same time. Hands enable him to also capture small and light objects. Flash aroused the sympathy of the audience clearly when expressed their emotions through facial expressions programmed. It has sensors in his head, so it is sad, it can even stroke. Can he create a map of the apartment and move through it, overcoming small obstacles.
Anyone can get Flash. FOR WHAT?
The device is commercially available and almost anyone can become a holder of such a
– This one goes in the near future to England – says Jan Kędzierski. – Creating the first prototype took us four years. The second version, created from scratch, was established in the year. We dream of, someone ordered another robot.
SEE ALSO: Where are the “Birds” Abakanowicz of the street. Świdnicka?

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