Friday, October 31, 2014

Samsung unbeatable, right behind Apple. After heels … – News 24

According to a recent IDC report on the share of the smartphone market, first place goes to Samsung, the second Apple, and behind them Xiaomi. Thus, the Chinese manufacturer ahead of brands such as Lenovo, HTC and LG.

 / Fig. fot.gyroscopio / (CC BY 2.0) / Flickr According to the report published by IDC, in the third quarter to 327.6 million market went smartphones, with 25.2 percent. more than in the same period last year.

The market leader is still Samsung – 78.1 million units sold. In second place was the US giant Apple, which sold 39.9 million units. Just behind them, the Chinese Xiaomi – 17.3 million units sold. In fourth place were the Lenovo (16.9 million), followed by LG (16.8 million) and the rest – 159.2 million – read


Russian fear of Apple . Policies of St. Petersburg wants to ban entry for Tim Cook

The biggest surprise may give rise to a high position of Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi, the number of mobile phones sold tripled in one year. Perhaps Xiaomi success lies in the fact that it has very similar characteristics to what Apple and Samsung, but it is sold at much lower prices. So far, the company operates only in the Chinese market, but will soon have to change. Products Xiaomi official will visit India, Brazil, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Mexico and the Philippines – gives


Americans themselves Antares rocket blew up. Due to … –

In 14 seconds after launch, just above the starting position, 240-ton Antares rocket crashed , and a moment later fell to the ground causing a massive explosion. Now NASA and company Orbital Sciences, which included rocket admitted that at the decisive moment of self-destruction process started.

As soon as the irregularity was noted at the start, immediately triggered one of the two security officers who are always present in this type of ventures. Their tasks include observation of the rocket and the final decision-flying is not flying. In case of irregularities, which may deflect the flight path of the rocket, the officers must, within a few seconds decide to destroy the machine. The point is not to threaten people who might be in the range rocket over which control was lost.

The outbreak of the Antares rocket photo. NASA

The decision to destroy damaged rocket is very difficult, because in the first few seconds after the start of the assessment of its condition and flight path can not yet help radar systems. Therefore, the method used here, which appears to be obsolete. This includes inter alia the

use of two observers. They follow start looking through the glass of the two lines. If the rocket deviates exceeding any of the line, immediately inform the security officer, who makes the final decision. If you decide to press the self-destruct, blasting explosives placed around the tank with fuel. It is likely they have caused the explosion, which began even before the Antares rocket fell to the ground.

Although it is not yet known causes of the disaster, point to the failures in the engine. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the rockets Antares uses engines that were built in the 60s and 70s in the Soviet Union. They were to be used in manned missions to the moon, which the Soviet Union has never carried out. Since that time were held, and now – after the renewal and modernization – they are used to lift goods into orbit.

More incredible photos of Antares rocket will find in our gallery HERE.

Antares Rocket Launch photo. NASA


NASA: Antares rocket was blown – Republic


Antares rocket that exploded on Tuesday after just a few seconds from the start, was blown up.

The unmanned module Antares had to provide transport Cygnus to the International Space Station (ISS).

Today, NASA revealed that the rocket was blown up. When problems were found with the start, the company operating the flight decided its destruction, by pressing the “self-destruction”, which caused the explosion. NASA spokesman said this in an interview with CNN.

This was confirmed by Barron Beneski, vice president. Communications company Orbital Sciences Corp., to which should be Cygnus. – Enclosed system after the flight – he said.

On board the Cygnus contained more than two tons of cargo, including 32 miniature research satellite and a device for tracking meteorites.

Mark Kelly, a retired NASA astronaut participant two space flights within the STS-108 space shuttle Endeavour and the pilot says that the decision to destroy the rocket was correct. In his view, pressing the

“self-destruction” meant that the disintegration of the rocket can be controlled, and this prevented her broken down into a residential area.

Start and the destruction of the rocket Antares

No part or whole songs contained in the log can not be reproduced or further distributed in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical or otherwise, or for all fields of use) including copying, the broader digitization, photocopying or copying, including posting on the Internet – without the express written consent of Gremi Business Communication. Any use or the use of songs in whole or in part without permission Gremi Business Communication or authors of the violation of law is forbidden under penalty and may be prosecuted.


Science & Technology is a genetic British gloomiest –


 According to Professor Andrew Oswald, who led the study, the overall level of happiness has little to do with wealth, the accumulation of material goods, or even the weather, because people with a shorter variant of the gene regulating the secretion of serotonin are more prone to sadness than in those in which this gene is longer.


 The longest variant of the gene, the researchers observed in the Danish and Dutch, short of Britons and Americans, and the shortest in French. Hence the conclusion that the British and Americans, despite a stable system of government and a thriving economy will be unhappy even if they are rich, live in a warm country and live to a hundred years, because they are genetically programmed to gloomy.


 “Genetics is not the only factor in determining the overall level of happiness in a person. The chemical processes in the brain also influence health status, lifestyle, political climate in the country” – said Oswald, “The Times”.


 University of Warwick study was prepared at the request of Council. Research in Social and Economic (abbreviated ESRC), dealing with the separation of public funds for research. David Cameron’s government has plans to create a facility to investigate the impact of the government’s actions, eg. Public spending cuts, austerity and reform of the public health service, the level of happiness of citizens.


 Center, headed by Lord O’Donnell able, to help the government in policy formulation. Office for National Statistics (ONS) has developed a methodology for measuring the well-being of the British and will publish relevant data.


 Serotonin is an important hormone secreted by the hypothalamus (part of the subcortical brain), acting as a so-called. neuromediator, which transmits information between brain cells. Acts as an antidepressant, generally affects the sense of satisfaction, and additionally regulates the digestive system.


 In people with low serotonin levels are often observed psychological “hole”, which is usually the result of stress and sadness, prone to aggression, lack of appetite or the opposite – overeating (especially sweets, because sugar is necessary for the production of serotonin).


 Deficiency of this hormone can cause a tendency to obsession, anxiety and depressive states. High levels of serotonin, readily volatile, occurs in love.








Bookmark Manager – a new version of bookmarks for the browser … –

In May of this year, Google presented the first version of Google Stars tabs for easy management. A few days ago a new application went to the store Google Play – is, however, available under a different name.

Bookmark Manager (Bookmarks Manager) is a kind-hearted old bookmarks invented anew. There are more modern and probably more convenient to use.

you install in the address bar of the page you get an asterisk. Click it adds a page to your bookmarks, also allows you to manage them. Each of the added pages displayed as a colored rectangle. When you hit it in a new tab opens hyperlinked page. Slightly below is a description of, and the right side of the little icon. Use it, you can open the tab, select (eg. In order to transfer or otherwise), edit (change the description). The order of the bookmarks can also be changed – just click, hold and move the mouse.

You can also share bookmarks – to the small icon in the upper right year. You can create a special public folder to which you will be able to look our friends. New tool – like the old – also allows you to create folders and move tabs between them.

src=",Menadzer-Zakladek-Google-Chrome.jpg" title=" Menada & # x17C; er Zak & # x142; cover- Google Chrome ">

Fig. Google

The new tab unless I miss thumbnails of pages in the previously added bookmarks. Despite all the short tests I can say that the new manager bookmarks I like it more than its previous version.

Instead of such an interface …

The old plant manager & # x142; cover- Chrome Fig. Internet

… you can use this:

Fig. Google

According to the website TechCrunch to add the correct Bookmarks Manager may require updating Chrome.


The global smartphone market in 3Q2014 according to IDC – TELEPOLIS.PL

In the third quarter, the market went 327.6 million smartphones, 25.2% more than in the same period last year. The biggest gain recorded Xiaomi up 211.3% year on year. As the only one of the five, year on year decline recorded Samsung – 8.2%. From the top, compared to the second quarter, fell Huawei.

















































Manufacturer 3Q14 million units. 3Q14 part 3Q13 million units. 3Q13 part Change year on year
Samsung 78.1 23.8% 85 32.5% – 8.2%
Apple 39.3 12.0% 33.8 12.9% 16.1%
Xiaomi 17.3 5.3% 5.6 2.1% 211.3%
Lenovo 16.9 5.2% 12.3 4.7% 38.0%
LG 16.8 5.1% 12.0 4.6% 39.8%
Other 159.2 48.6% 113 43.2% 40.8%
all 327.3 100% 261.7 100% 25.2%

View World phone market in 3Q2014 according to Strategy Analytics

Source text: IDC; On


Google creates an early warning system against diseases – Interia

Google wants to diagnose, prevent cancer and other serious diseases much faster than it is today.

Google wants to detect pathogens in blood

/ © 123RF / Picsel

The Secret Google X branch wants to create the perfect man. US giant wants the same change all our lives. read more

Google is working on technology that combines the detection of disease nanoparticles introduced into the patient’s body with a special armband worn on the wrist. Recorded are the smallest biochemical changes in the body, which can be called a solution to Google’s early warning system against any changes that may endanger health.

przedostawałyby nanoparticles into the bloodstream, sticking to proteins or other molecules considered markers. This process would be monitored by a special armband worn on the wrist. The idea is simple, but it also has a chance to become an effective and universal.

– Our goal is that every test in the future, was carried through the system – said Andrew Conrad with Google.

No one does not need to be convinced that early diagnosis is key in the treatment of most diseases, and cancer in particular. The affected tissue are significantly different from each other at the biochemical level, so really you can easily detect it.

a Health is developing an early warning system Google X – a specialized research unit giant, whose mission is to develop technologies changing the lives of all people on Earth.


53.8 million tablets sold in the third quarter. Apple against Samsung –

The global sales of tablet PCs in the third quarter of 2014. increased by 11.5 percent. compared with the same period of 2013 (48.3 million). In addition there was about 11.2 percent. higher than in the second quarter.

The position remained the market leader Apple, despite another sharp drop in sales of iPads annualized (by 12.8 per cent., from 14.1 million to 12.3 million), as well as market share (from 29.2 per cent. to 22.8 per cent.).

The second ranked Samsung admittedly recorded an increase in sales of its tablet (about 5.6 per cent., from 9.3 million to 9.9 million), but its market share declined from 19.3 percent. to 18.3 percent.

was followed by Asus and Lenovo, the top five unexpectedly closes the company RCA.
































1. Apple















– 12.8%



2. Samsung


















3. Asus















– 0.9%



4. Lenovo


















5. RCA





















































Author: km

More information tablet, the tablet market


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Apple Head: I am proud that I was gay – Newsweek Poland

CEO Tim Cook said in a statement sent to the site coming out’u and has admitted that he is gay. “This is one of the greatest gifts that I received from God” – he wrote.

Cook is the boss Apple from 2011 and wrote that many colleagues already knows about his orientcji. -No T in no way affects how they treat me. Of course, I work in a company that loves creativity, innovation, and know that everything thrives when diversity is accepted – wrote. Therefore, he decided to declare openly their homosexuality . He admitted that he has not mentioned

it, wanting to protect your privacy.

– Being gay has allowed me to better understand what it means to be in the minority, and provided insight into the obstacles faced by the representatives of other minorities each day. I am also more empathetic – said Cook and admitted that he hopes his coming out will inspire someone or bring someone comfort.


Cell 460 million sold in the third quarter., 70 per cent. This smartphone … –

In the third quarter of this year, the total sales of mobile phones has increased on an annual basis by 7.6 per cent., From 427.2 million to 459.5 million units.

The leader – despite 15 per cent. drop – remained Samsung, which sold 101.7 million phones and earned his 22.1 percent. market share. Korean manufacturer still sells more cells than the next ranked Nokia (now part of Microsoft) and Apple combined.

was followed by LG (4.7 per cent. Of the market share – the highest since three years) and newcomer Top 5 Chinese company Xiaomi.

Global sales of smartphones in the third quarter reached 320.4 million units, an increase of 26.7 percent. to 252.9 million units a year earlier.

Samsung sold 79.2 million smartphones and 24.7 percent scored. this segment, compared to 35 percent. the year before. Second in the ranking Apple reported a 16-percent. growth and has sold 39.3

million units (12.3 per cent. UDZ. in mar.).

The unexpectedly high, because in 3rd place in the statement, there were Xiaomi, selling 18 million smartphones (mainly in China) and noting 5.6 percent. market share. Just behind the podium with a record result for themselves – 16.8 million smartphones – there were LG, and the first five completed Huawei.

Author: km

More Info: cell, smartphone, Strategy Analytics


Russian fear of Apple – News 24

Tim Cook, Apple’s chief has raised serious concern among the Russians, his confession of sexual diversity. Deputy Vitaly million is requested for life ban to Russia for an American.

 Vladimir millions due, Russian deputy. By Sm alien (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http: //], via Wikimedia Commons / Photo. Sm alien A member of the city of St. Petersburg, Vitaly million is in favor of issuing an entry ban to Russia for Tim Cook, Apple’s chief. The obvious reason is the declaration “non-traditional sexual orientation” US citizen.

“What can he bring us? Ebola virus, AIDS, gonorrhea? Everyone there very loose lead compounds. Prohibit entry for life” – decrees millions due.

At the same time Russian politician sniffing double game by Tim Cook, who may try to increase the company’s turnover by a kind of self-presentation: “He’s like an artist

who first announced as an artist, and then announces that he is pederast. Now we all know that Apple create homosexuals and everyone starts to change their minds – well, when he is talented … “ – with some bitterness millions due, and adds: ” This is a clever political move ” .

In Thursday’s issue of Bloomberg Businessweek could find out that the CEO of Apple has never concealed their sexual orientation, but he tried to protect private life. However, the publication has been recognized as an official admission to cook their sexual preferences. He said that many of his colleagues knew he was gay, but it did not impact on the prevailing relationships. The head of Apple pointed out that his company has long promoted the ideas of equality in terms of gender as well as race and sexual orientation.

Tim Cook has appeared in Apple’s March 1998 .. In 2011,., After the resignation of Steve ‘ Jobs from his position as CEO, Cook took his place. In 2013. LGBT magazine “Out” of acclaimed him the most influential gay.


Manta Galactic Duo MS6001 – Portal PR

The Manta Galactic Duo MS6001 – for demanding users Warsaw, October 27, 2014. – Manta Company SA Polish largest supplier of home appliances and Official Partner Ekstraklasa – introduced just to sell new phablet MS6001. This device is designed for power users and anyone looking for an efficient and functional phone a reasonable price. Manta Galactic Duo MS6001 is now available in stores at a suggested price of 499 zł.


The 6″ screen with a resolution of 854 × 480 make that new phablet Recommended as a mobile office. You can easily read on the corporate mail, work with different types of documents, task lists or calendars meetings. The large screen also facilitates web browsing and instant messaging. Built-in camera allows for easy communication, record video clips and photos.

Galactic Duo MS6001 is primarily a good price, a large 6 ” screen and dual sim technology. Smooth operation ensures efficient and low-power processor MT8312 Dual Core running at 1.3 GHz. Thanks to the Android 4.4 version in addition to the stable operation and high comfort, the holder also has the ability to use hundreds of thousands of free applications available on the Google Play store.

Built-in 4GB flash memory allows you to store many important files (graphics , music, or text, but if it proves too little memory can be easily expanded with additional microSD card up to 32GB. Support two SIM cards is one of the biggest advantages of this phabletu It’s an incredibly convenient solution for all, with two phones – business and private. Now both numbers will handle one device.

The built-in GPS module allows you to instantly transform your phone in a car navigation system.

Technical Specifications
Manta MS6001 Operating System: Android 4.4 Processor Speed ​​
: MT8312 Dual Core, 1.3 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Built-in 3G: Yes
Dual-SIM: Yes
GPS: Yes
Battery Capacity: 2000mAh
Front camera: 0.3 megapixels rear camera
2MP Display: Touch: 6 inch, WVGA
Built-in Memory: 4GB
Supported band WCDMA 2100 MHz
The suggested retail price 499 zł

The Manta SA Poland is a company with 16 years of experience, which was the culmination of the passion of young people the world of computers, games and virtual reality site. The company first won the DVD player market (over 5.5 million units sold), and then moved his attention to the production of a DVD-T set-top boxes (over 1 million units sold) and the tablet to 2013 probably enter the smartphone market. In parallel with the electronics, Manta is expanding its line of appliances, referring to significant successes in this field. Of great importance in the development was also introducing a new service and support RMA, expanding the range and quality of services. Manta SA Polish support education and sport, and is therefore .: Official Partner Ekstraklasa. It is worth noting that the company continues to develop its sales network to other countries, so that products are increasingly being recognized in most countries of Europe and the EMEA region. For more information visit

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Russian and Ukrainian rocket? Depends on the circumstances … – On the 24

In recent days several seconds after launch rocket exploded, which would amount to a transport ship into orbit. On board were supplies for the International Space Station.

It was not the first launch Antares. In 2013. It was a transport ship Cygnus. He nailed to the International Space Station, delivering supplies. Everything went flawlessly. Then the Russian media wrote about “the successful launch of the Russian-American Antares rocket with the US.” Meanwhile, a failed rocket launch last bears a slightly different heading. “In the US exploded during take-off of US-Ukrainian rocket” – written on the Russian side.

TVN 24

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No connection to the service Facebook or not all data has been transferred. ‘);} else {$ (‘ .newcomment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment-user-fb-id- ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (; $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-forms – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘ alt ‘,; $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘ title ‘,; $ (‘ # newComment-type-3 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .attr (‘ checked ‘,’ checked ‘ ); if ( {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () { (, ‘facebook’) ;;} ); } If (_FBuser.image) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, _FBuser.image); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); }}); } Function comments_vote (id_element, id_parent, id_vote, vote, is_large) {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); if (is_large) {$ (‘# comment-large-votes -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘a’). click (function () {return false;}); $ (‘# Comment-large-votes -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .animate ({‘opacity’: 0.3}); } Else $ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). Animate ({‘opacity’: 0.3}); $ .ajax ({Type: ‘POST’, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, data: {‘set-vote’: 1, ‘id_element’: id_element, ‘id_parent’: id_parent, ‘id_vote’ : id_vote, ‘is_large’ (is_large? 1: 0), ‘vote’: vote, ‘url’: comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). animate ({‘opacity ‘: 1}); if (oJsonObject) {if (oJsonObject.error) {if (oJsonObject.voted == 1) {$ (‘ # comments-toolbar2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .form-button- vote ‘). attr (‘ disabled ‘,’ disabled ‘); $ (‘ # comments-toolbar2 – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .form-button-vote ‘). addClass (‘ form-button-vote- Voted ‘);}} else {if (is_large & amp; & amp; oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons) {$ (‘ # comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.large_votes_buttons); $ (‘ # comment-large-votes – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .animate ({‘ opacity ‘: 1}); } Else {$ (‘# comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). Attr (‘disabled’, ‘disabled’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). AddClass (‘form-button-vote-voted’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-yes “). Val (oJsonObject.votes_yes); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote-no’). Val (oJsonObject.votes_no); }}}}, Error: function () {$ (‘body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); $ (‘# Comments-toolbar2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.form-button-vote’). 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Css (‘cursor’, ‘wait’); $ .ajax ({Type: ‘POST’, url: ‘/F/ajax/comments.php’, data: {‘login-user’: 1, ‘l’: txt1, ‘p’: txt2, ‘url’ : comments_geturl (), ‘curl’: comments_geturl ()}, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (oJsonObject) {$ (‘body’). css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); if (oJsonObject) { if (oJsonObject.error) {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (oJsonObject.error);} else if (oJsonObject.id_user & gt; 0) {$ (‘. newComment-user-box – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .remove (); $ (‘ # newComment-user-id – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .val (oJsonObject.id_user); $ (‘ # newComment-infobar – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent) .html (‘ ‘); $ (‘ .comment-newComment-form – ‘+ id_element +’ – ‘+ id_parent +’ .comment-newComment-thumb img ‘). attr (‘alt’, oJsonObject.username); $ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). attr (‘title’, oJsonObject.username) ; $ (‘# newComment-type-2 -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); if (oJsonObject.userurl) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form-’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). addClass (‘pointer’); $ (‘.comment-NewComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Click (function () {location = oJsonObject.userurl;}); } If (oJsonObject.userthumb) {$ (‘.comment-newComment-form -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent + ‘.comment-newComment-thumb img’). Attr (‘src’, oJsonObject.userthumb); } Comment_canSendComment (id_element, id_parent); } Else {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); }} Else $ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); }, Error: function () {$ (‘# newComment-user-err -’ + id_element + ‘-’ + id_parent) .html (‘An error’); $ (‘Body’). Css (‘cursor’, ‘default’); }}); } Function comment_textareaAutoHeight (textarea) {/ * if ($ .browser.mozilla) {var tah = $ (textarea) .height (); if (tah – & gt;

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Manta Galactic Duo MS6001 –

Author: Sławomir Kwasowski (SlawoyAMD)



Manta SA introduced a new phablet for sale MS6001. This device is designed for users looking for an efficient and functional phone at a reasonable price. 6-inch screen with a resolution of 854 x 480 check as a mobile office. You can easily read on the corporate mail, work with different types of documents, task lists or calendars meetings. Galactic Duo MS6001 is primarily a good price, large screen and dual sim technology. Liquidity measures provides energy-saving MT8312 Dual Core processor running at a frequency of 1.3 GHz. Thanks to the Android 4.4 version in addition to the stable operation and high comfort, the holder also has the ability to use hundreds of thousands of free applications available on the Google Play store.

Built-in 4GB flash memory allows you to store many important files (graphics , music, or

text, but if it proves too little memory can be easily expanded with additional microSD card up to 32GB.

Supports two SIM cards is one of the biggest advantages of this phabletu It is a convenient solution for all, with two phones – business and private. Now both numbers will handle one device. The built-in GPS module allows you to instantly transform your phone in a car navigation system.

The suggested retail price PLN 499

Manta MS6001 Galactic Duo

Manta MS6001 Galactic Duo

Manta MS6001 Galactic Duo

Source: Info Press / MANTA


Mark Zuckerberg about the future of Facebook: instant messaging and … –

During yesterday’s meeting with investors, Facebook presents the results for the last quarter. The Company achieved revenues amounting to $ 3.2 billion – slightly higher than the expected 3.12 billion. Revenue from advertising increased by 64% – amounted to 2.96 billion dollars (comparing quarters year on year).

Definitely more interesting than the financial performance was a vision of the future of the service outlined by Mark Zuckerberg. Danwo not had a chance to listen to such a comprehensive lecture on the short- and long-term plans of the company.

The key objectives outlined by the team Zuckerberg are:

– acquiring a billion users for each service (WhatsApp, Messenger, Search, Video, newsfeed, helmet Oculus Rift, Instagram)

– improving the effectiveness of mobile advertising by providing advertisers with tools to easily measure how it translates into online advertising for sale “offline”.

– create a platform for augmented reality

– enable Internet access to the greatest number of people (eg through project

Mark Zuckerberg explained how he wants to achieve these objectives . To be achieved in stages.

three-year plan: a billion users and Whats App Messenger

The main goal for the next three years is a strong growth and maintenance of residential and business customers. Zuckerberg wants to achieve this primarily by services for messaging. That is why the Messenger is available on both Android and iOS and Windows Phone.

“According to our data, people using Messenger correspond generally about 20% faster” –

Zuckerberg said.

No less important for the future of Facebook is WhatsApp – messenger acquired in February this year (formally take over only ended this month). WhatsApp has gotten a billion users as soon as possible – within three years.

The short-term plan also includes the development of tools for developers, so that they could create cross-platform applications running integrated with Facebook. One such tool is the platform App Links allows you to create connections between different applications and sites. The application allows you to view Facebook content within specific sites. For example, if a company wants to put in your entry picture of a product, the graphics on the promotional campaign does not have to upload the file to the server Facebook. Uses a link to your own server. At the moment, thanks to the App Links was used to create three billion connections.

Plan for ten years: the internet everywhere, augmented reality at hand

In the long term, Mark Zuckerberg wants to “fundamentally change the world “. It intends to do this by:

– enable access to the Internet in almost every corner of the Earth

– create a new platform for augmented reality

A tool to achieve the first objective is to design Realizes it is not just Facebook, but a number of other companies involved in the production of ICT equipment and services. Mark Zuckerberg wants simply to every person on Earth can benefit from the internet. This allows potential customers will be counted in the billions, and the range of Facebook actually becomes global. has already won its first successes – recently launched internet access for the residents of Zambia.

“We have already heard [from the people of Zambia - ed.] Amazing stories that people use the Internet to add value to their lives. We hope for the imminent
launch of the project in other countries. “

This is obviously a very lofty rating, but users have the vision mocked.

Mark Zuckerberg in the last few months visited countries where the Internet is not yet convincing that the government is a priority.

Joanna Sosnowska in his text on explained the three main objectives of the project:

Internet .org – three steps Revolution

Zuckerberg outlined three major problems that will have to face project. The founder of Facebook states that achievement might take 5-10 years. And what happens to the same goal?

1. Cheaper access to the Internet, especially mobile. This will require detailed agreements with the operators, as well as investment in infrastructure, build the next hotspots, among others in Africa and Asia.

2. “Lighter” applications – that is, those that consume less data transfer.

3. Developing new business models, which on one hand will encourage companies to use the network, on the other hand will attract new users to the Internet.

Oculus – tool of the future?

Over the next decade we have be witnessing the birth of a new platform. Today we use keyboards, monitors, computers and smartphones, and systems such as Windows and Android. The future, however, is a platform-based augmented reality.

“Every 15-15 years there is a new platform, and we believe that virtual and augmented reality are a key element of the upcoming platform.”

Zukerberg this time focuses on the development of a virtual helmet Oculus Rift – working on the 100 thousand. developers from around the world – develop various kinds of applications and games.

Facebook for every Earthling?

Mark Zuckerberg believes that Facebook “oplecie world” and will be so common as electricity and telephone. Within a few years, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp is to use at least a billion people. In the long, ten-year term of service use Facebook to billions. Zukerberg think that it is impossible to achieve “global reach” without creating tools using virtual reality and enhanced.

Facebook Fig. / Robert Kędzierski

I’m not sure if they are ready for it the people of developed countries. In the US and Europe, solutions such as Google goggles is still a novelty. Do five to ten years will be commonplace? Residents of countries in which the Internet today do not have yet a long way to go – augmented reality in everyday life Zamii will not ten, but twenty or thirty years. I do not know, therefore, whether the vision of Mark Zuckerberg has a chance to become a reality, the more that their plans is also another industry giant Google.

In addition, many people remain skeptical about Facebook, he does not want to entrust their data, use its services. Do you believe that Facebook may be in the near perspektywnie used by every person on Earth? Please leave comments.


Do you have something with a bitten apple? – Portal Mining Tribune

If you have, know that Apple is the most innovative corporation in the world. This is the conclusion of the report “50 most innovative corporations in the world 2014″ consulting firm Boston Consulting Group, which was unveiled on Wednesday in Warsaw. Nearly half of them come from the United States.

This is the ninth edition of the report. This was followed by companies such as Google, Samsung, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, Tesla, Toyota, Facebook. Top Ten closes Sony.

Nearly half of companies (24) with the ranking derived from the United States and the largest group among them are technology companies (12). On the other hand, in Europe, Germany is indicated by the authors of the report, as the country of origin of the most innovative companies. In this country stems of 7 companies, among them dominated by automobiles (5). Including Europe, the report is 13 companies. Asian companies included in the report are from Japan, China and South Korea.

The report also included recommendations for Polish companies to develop innovation. Tomasz Mrozowski with BCG expert emphasized that it is important for companies to have developed clear strategies that would imply, inter alia, separation from the team working on finding innovative ideas. It should not be subject to assessment criteria related to the current operations of the company. The strategy should also assume a broad approach to look for innovative ideas, rather than focus on solving a single problem.

Companies should also accept the risks associated with finding and testing innovative ideas. As stated Mrozowski, their bosses should be aware that some of the money

allocated to innovation not ask, because some ideas will prove misguided.

– You have to accept that part of the money will not bring profits that invest in projects which will not bring profit organization. But the only way you can create innovative products. Polish companies do not appreciate that unsuccessful projects can be a source of knowledge, and the next step in the pursuit of development and innovation. It’s a bit like the gardener who plants a lot and is not afraid to cut those plants that do not promise, and nurture those that promise.

He added that a good solution is a collaboration of several companies over the implementation of such an idea. in Poland working on a standard for mobile payments.

The search of innovative ideas should also be based on close cooperation with universities, tracking what leaders do in the industry. Also important is the cooperation with customers in the early stages of the development of innovative products and solutions that take into account their needs and comments. The company should also be a director or board member responsible for innovation expert pointed out.

The study “50 most innovative corporations in the world 2014″ was based on interviews with 1,500 managers responsible for the highest level of innovation and the analysis of economic indicators companies.


An unmanned Russian Progress spacecraft arrived at the ISS – Polish Radio

An unmanned Russian Progress spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station. The success of the Russian mission coincided with the failure of the twin mission of experts from the United States.

Progress was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Docked to the station six hours later. He brought the fuel, air, oxygen or food for the crew of six. Prior to the crash ended the US attempt to launch missiles from unmanned aerial Antares Cygnus, which also had to fly to the station. Mission is responsible for the company Orbital Sciences, which has signed a special contract with NASA. NASA expert Bill Wrobel suggested during a press conference that the remains of the rocket can be dangerous. “We ask that anyone who comes across such suspicious remains, kept up away from them” – he said. At the moment it is not clear what caused the explosion. According to some experts, it could theoretically be associated with the AJ-26 engines, used in rockets Antares. These originally built in Russia engines have been tested, but in May one of them broke during ground tests in the United States.

He brought the fuel, air, oxygen

and food for the crew of six.

Earlier disaster ended the American attempt to launch missiles from unmanned aerial Antares Cygnus, which also had to fly to the station. Mission is responsible for the company Orbital Sciences, which has signed a special contract with NASA. NASA expert Bill Wrobel suggested during a press conference that the remains of the rocket can be dangerous. – Therefore, we ask that anyone who comes across such suspicious remains, kept up away from them – he said.

At the moment it is not clear what caused the explosion. According to some experts, it could theoretically be associated with the AJ-26 engines, used in rockets Antares. These originally built in Russia engines have been tested, but in May one of them broke during ground tests in the United States.

