Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kusznierewicz invented something that already exists? In the United States have a long time – Virtual Poland

revolutionary invention is not so revolutionary? 1.5 years of work, and in the meantime …

Famous Polish sailor and Olympic champion Mateusz Kusznierewicz presented his project, developed over the past year and a half in cooperation with T-Mobile. It is ZOOM.ME – digital photo frame connected to the internet and works with your application. As explained Kusznierewicz, the frame can be purchased for example. Their family members too polished to the Internet and send them their pictures taken straight to the phone. And all for 249 zł.

In addition, the frame in the more expensive version (349 zł) contains the SIM card and the router option. It may therefore be a homemade transmitter web.

More about Zoom.Me can read (and watch) the site Biztok.

Draft Kusznierewicz provoked admiration parts of Polish bloggers and technology experts. Sailor-businessman praise for innovation and the introduction of Polish technical thought to a new level (although the device will be manufactured in China).

But in fact we are dealing with a novel solution? Matthew Halab, one of the bloggers site natemat.pl noted that for more than half a year, Johnson’s Baby promoting his project “Grandparent’s Frame”, which appears to be identical with what is proposed Kusznierewicz.Amerykanie created an application that lets you throw images with smartphone directly connected to the Internet on the frame.

Interestingly, Johnson’s Baby does not sell frames, because the application is targeted to existing devices. Digital photo frame connected to the Internet are offered for several years by

many companies.

As you can see the application of Americans not only reminds ZOOM.ME device, but it is even similarly promoted – as a gift, which you can not do too well familiar with the internet, grandparents or parents. The difference is that in Poland, some devices will ZOOM.ME your SIM card and – maybe – enhanced functionality.

Kusznierewicz announced that this year ZOOM.ME will be available in selected European countries, sales channels, and T-Mobile networks: RTV EURO AGD, Mediamarkt, Saturn, Komputronik, Mediaexpert, Neonet, X -KOM and Empik.

As of November 3 at all points of sale will be available 3G version of the device. In addition, the retail sales network to all devices in the 3G version will be included in a gift card pre-paid T-Mobile, allowing for three months for free, receive images. After this time frame for the internet however, will have to start paying. Some netizens commenting now beginning to indicate that this may be the biggest drawback of the whole project.

as you like Zoom.Me? Is it something that kupilibyście for Christmas with your relatives?

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