Virtual World actually makes an impression with every new invention. It lacks only one thing – a coherent idea to use the magical capabilities.
Source: Bloomberg
The world of virtual reality is impressive with each new invention. It lacks only one thing – a coherent idea to use the magical capabilities.
Probably closer to accomplish a specific goal in the dissemination of virtual reality technology is Google. The company has allocated just 542 million dollars to invest in a startup called Magic Leap. The company also supported such important players from the world of IT like Andreessen Horowitz and Qualcomm. The value of Magic Leap is now more than $ 2 billion.
Something is not. Yet.
Another promise of funds attracted the world’s creation straight from the show the best magicians. Besides these things, which praises the Magic Leap he could not himself David Coperfield. On promotional materials is impossible to watch a tiny elephant, which is located on the hand, and after a moment lifted into the air and circling around us. On the company’s website is full of poetic terms resembling a cross between a manual to build self-esteem sf film. Startup wants to nowadays pursuit of innovation that people became smarter, not just computers were able to quickly manipulate the data. Technology according to the small business owner from the suburbs of Miami has to restore the magic of everyday life.
So in a nutshell, is the message of virtual reality specialists. With the help of his inventions want to see around us could see the fairies, elves, dragons and unicorns. Elephant, seahorse or submarine circling above our heads will be on the agenda. Without concrete plans to translate this for the money. For the time being is to be more magically, fairytale and friendly people. Magic Leap is building a team of developers, application
And how will it see
Public opinion in the case does not have information on what exactly has invested Google, but the search engine heads certainly are aware of the findings according to their enormous needs. With inventions Magic Leap Mountain View company wants to accelerate the development of its products based on virtual reality and enlarged. Enrichment of such opportunities Google Glass glasses and many other gadgets that so far did not seem to be a natural carrier of a fantasy world and flying around the elephants, can bring considerable revolution.
In the race to make the best use of virtual reality have to hurry. Facebook a few months working on acquired in mid-gadget Oculus Rift, a helmet to move around in the virtual world. Similarly, he rapidly growing segment of wearable tech, or intelligent clothing, equipped with sensors, which can also provide users with additional opportunities to commune with the space around them.
It’s hard to say yet how this revolution will look like, but certainly will be virtual. I fairytale, colorful. And who knows what else.
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