Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mark Zuckerberg about the future of Facebook: instant messaging and … –

During yesterday’s meeting with investors, Facebook presents the results for the last quarter. The Company achieved revenues amounting to $ 3.2 billion – slightly higher than the expected 3.12 billion. Revenue from advertising increased by 64% – amounted to 2.96 billion dollars (comparing quarters year on year).

Definitely more interesting than the financial performance was a vision of the future of the service outlined by Mark Zuckerberg. Danwo not had a chance to listen to such a comprehensive lecture on the short- and long-term plans of the company.

The key objectives outlined by the team Zuckerberg are:

– acquiring a billion users for each service (WhatsApp, Messenger, Search, Video, newsfeed, helmet Oculus Rift, Instagram)

– improving the effectiveness of mobile advertising by providing advertisers with tools to easily measure how it translates into online advertising for sale “offline”.

– create a platform for augmented reality

– enable Internet access to the greatest number of people (eg through project

Mark Zuckerberg explained how he wants to achieve these objectives . To be achieved in stages.

three-year plan: a billion users and Whats App Messenger

The main goal for the next three years is a strong growth and maintenance of residential and business customers. Zuckerberg wants to achieve this primarily by services for messaging. That is why the Messenger is available on both Android and iOS and Windows Phone.

“According to our data, people using Messenger correspond generally about 20% faster” –

Zuckerberg said.

No less important for the future of Facebook is WhatsApp – messenger acquired in February this year (formally take over only ended this month). WhatsApp has gotten a billion users as soon as possible – within three years.

The short-term plan also includes the development of tools for developers, so that they could create cross-platform applications running integrated with Facebook. One such tool is the platform App Links allows you to create connections between different applications and sites. The application allows you to view Facebook content within specific sites. For example, if a company wants to put in your entry picture of a product, the graphics on the promotional campaign does not have to upload the file to the server Facebook. Uses a link to your own server. At the moment, thanks to the App Links was used to create three billion connections.

Plan for ten years: the internet everywhere, augmented reality at hand

In the long term, Mark Zuckerberg wants to “fundamentally change the world “. It intends to do this by:

– enable access to the Internet in almost every corner of the Earth

– create a new platform for augmented reality

A tool to achieve the first objective is to design Realizes it is not just Facebook, but a number of other companies involved in the production of ICT equipment and services. Mark Zuckerberg wants simply to every person on Earth can benefit from the internet. This allows potential customers will be counted in the billions, and the range of Facebook actually becomes global. has already won its first successes – recently launched internet access for the residents of Zambia.

“We have already heard [from the people of Zambia - ed.] Amazing stories that people use the Internet to add value to their lives. We hope for the imminent
launch of the project in other countries. “

This is obviously a very lofty rating, but users have the vision mocked.

Mark Zuckerberg in the last few months visited countries where the Internet is not yet convincing that the government is a priority.

Joanna Sosnowska in his text on explained the three main objectives of the project:

Internet .org – three steps Revolution

Zuckerberg outlined three major problems that will have to face project. The founder of Facebook states that achievement might take 5-10 years. And what happens to the same goal?

1. Cheaper access to the Internet, especially mobile. This will require detailed agreements with the operators, as well as investment in infrastructure, build the next hotspots, among others in Africa and Asia.

2. “Lighter” applications – that is, those that consume less data transfer.

3. Developing new business models, which on one hand will encourage companies to use the network, on the other hand will attract new users to the Internet.

Oculus – tool of the future?

Over the next decade we have be witnessing the birth of a new platform. Today we use keyboards, monitors, computers and smartphones, and systems such as Windows and Android. The future, however, is a platform-based augmented reality.

“Every 15-15 years there is a new platform, and we believe that virtual and augmented reality are a key element of the upcoming platform.”

Zukerberg this time focuses on the development of a virtual helmet Oculus Rift – working on the 100 thousand. developers from around the world – develop various kinds of applications and games.

Facebook for every Earthling?

Mark Zuckerberg believes that Facebook “oplecie world” and will be so common as electricity and telephone. Within a few years, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp is to use at least a billion people. In the long, ten-year term of service use Facebook to billions. Zukerberg think that it is impossible to achieve “global reach” without creating tools using virtual reality and enhanced.

Facebook Fig. / Robert Kędzierski

I’m not sure if they are ready for it the people of developed countries. In the US and Europe, solutions such as Google goggles is still a novelty. Do five to ten years will be commonplace? Residents of countries in which the Internet today do not have yet a long way to go – augmented reality in everyday life Zamii will not ten, but twenty or thirty years. I do not know, therefore, whether the vision of Mark Zuckerberg has a chance to become a reality, the more that their plans is also another industry giant Google.

In addition, many people remain skeptical about Facebook, he does not want to entrust their data, use its services. Do you believe that Facebook may be in the near perspektywnie used by every person on Earth? Please leave comments.


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