Thursday, October 23, 2014

NASA has released the sounds of the cosmos. Pulsating stars, storm on … –

We have the opportunity not only to hear recordings of famous quotes like “The Eagle has landed”, but also learn how to sound pulsating stars, storm on Jupiter, or interstellar space. Of course, most of these sounds has been previously converted, so that we can hear them human ear.

Let’s start with the famous “Houston, we’ve had a problem” originating from the failed Apollo 13 mission to the moon in 1970. This problem was the oxygen tank explosion. Astronauts were then 321 860 km from Earth.

Neil Armstrong, who soon will become the first man on the moon, states that “the eagle has landed”. Landing took place on July 24, 1969 year.

test so. Quindar sounds, or characteristic pipczących signals. They were used to activate and deactivate the transmitters on Earth. When a member of the ground crew wanted to contact the cosmonauts, pressed the button. Pressing and releasing the button generate two different tones, which controlled transmitters.

radio signals Sputnik

The radio waves emitted by Saturn

lightning on Jupiter. This whistling tone is a result of electrical discharges in the atmosphere. Higher frequency waves travel along the magnetic field glass than low-frequency waves. This difference,

which registers the probe, we hear in the form of a whistle.

Sounds plasma from interstellar space. These are the electrons ionized gas, that is, the solar wind, which flies by Voyager. Their frequency astronomers satisfied that Voyager has left our solar system.

stardust rain. This is the sound of particles of comet Tempel 1, by which przebrnęła Stardust.

The magnetic field of Enceladus, Saturn’s moon. The curvature of this field indicates that Enceladus has a dense atmosphere.

glow curve of the star KIC7671081B converted to sound.

Star KIC12268220C

The Verge said Jason portal Townsend NASA music library is constantly updated. All sounds are available here.

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